
Best site to download music????


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
CD's are going the way of the cassette tape, especially when it comes to portable audio. Soon your only options are going to be flash RAM players, and they really are a better solution than carrying around a stack of CD's. But the DRM schemes embedded in these devices are going to ensure that if you want to do something like play your iTunes, your going to have to buy a device from a manufacturer that licensed the rights from Apple. And in turn pass that cost onto the consumer.

Even the CD as a car audio device is becoming too limiting, unless your head unit can decode MP3's. And then you run into the licensing fees if you want one that can decode iTunes.

While it is currently a simple matter for most people to convert an iTune to an MP3, the next gen DRM schemes built into most upcoming hardware & software are going to make it more difficult for the average person to make fair use of the media they have purchased.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Tenchiro said:
CD's are going the way of the cassette tape, especially when it comes to portable audio. Soon your only options are going to be flash RAM players, and they really are a better solution than carrying around a stack of CD's. But the DRM schemes embedded in these devices are going to ensure that if you want to do something like play your iTunes, your going to have to buy a device from a manufacturer that licensed the rights from Apple. And in turn pass that cost onto the consumer.

Even the CD as a car audio device is becoming too limiting, unless your head unit can decode MP3's. And then you run into the licensing fees if you want one that can decode iTunes.

While it is currently a simple matter for most people to convert an iTune to an MP3, the next gen DRM schemes built into most upcoming hardware & software are going to make it more difficult for the average person to make fair use of the media they have purchased.
Car audio that decodes .mp3 is the only way to go. I :heart: my Alpine deck.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
to get audio onto a creative labs mp3 player:

a) don't buy from iTMS. it's your choice, and there certainly are other options out there. ease of transferring songs to your device is part of the equation, and apple is under no obligation to creative labs.
b) burn to CD, re-rip
c) use jHymn or the like to remove Fairplay. then you'll still probably be stuck with option B since most mp3 players won't play m4a.

as for the car audio deal wrt licensing, again a non-issue. my iPod is integrated into my car system, and i don't pay a penny. i don't even have a head unit, for that matter: my iPod is wired directly to the amps in the trunk. for those who aren't that dedicated to their iPods and want to retain the ability to listen to ads on the radio, there's always aux in, tape adapters, and the dreaded FM modulators.

my point is that there are options out there, and FUD about licensing fears is just that.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
pixelninja said:
Sounds more like a Microsofteque flaw, in that it is just that, a flaw in iTunes. Doesn't sound like Apple is attempting to install some hidden software that you can't uninstall. Now THAT would be Sonyesque...
What I meant was that in an attempt to protect themselves, they left their honest customers with their dicks hanging in the wind.

It isn't really a microsoft flaw, just an inheirent flaw in the DRM concept. When you give control of an aspect of your PC over to a 3rd party, it is only a matter of time before someone else exploits that.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Here's a question for all of you: If someone broke into your car and stole about 40 CD's that you'd legally purchased over the years, would you think its ok to re-aquire the same music by way of P2P or through a site like allofmp3?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
pixelninja said:
Here's a question for all of you: If someone broke into your car and stole about 40 CD's that you'd legally purchased over the years, would you think its ok to re-aquire the same music by way of P2P or through a site like allofmp3?
I already have, and yes I do. Just because something is stolen from you does not mean that you no longer own it.