
Best World Cup moment 2009?

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Peaty winning Worlds definitely up there for top DH Worlds moments, but I think the two greatest are his greatest losses with #1 being the monstrous drama of Hill falling on that insane run and Gee winning, followed by #2 of Peat losing it right near the finish to Barel. Those are the two most epicly amazing moments of DH racing history. Peaty getting it done...icing on the cake. :D

Greatest DH event weekend ever was the spectacle of Mt. Snow '98. Greatest DH track I've ever ridden that year in the greatest weather. Got in so many runs in Expert all weekend long.

The past, present and future of DH all in 1 place:
The Devo Team everywhere
GT's massive Semi Truck
Cannondale's monstrous DH team Semi
Park Tools phenomenal service tent with mechanics and tools all day
Voreis everywhere you turned
Having to park as much as a quarter mile away
Naked Crit
Lopes/Carter/Cully slalom destruction
The Leducs
The Yellow/Red/Black Intense armada
The re-badged Intense armada
Kids manualing everything in site
Peat winning over Beneke by 8 seconds, while Palmer came back from a broken collar bone to take 3rd and get the coaches spot on the national team after missing mo of the season.

poached some of the more infamous sections of that track a few years ago. man, it seemed so epic back then on my 6" travel bike but wouldn't be considered hard at all now.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I did not read the original question was 'world cup' moment when I put down Peatys win at worlds.

So in saying that, the best moment for me was Greg Minnaar winning the african opener, not because it was expected but it was pretty rad to see Greg win on home turf, on a track he knew like the back of his hand, but the enormous pressure put on him ever since the african world cup was announced.

Watching Graves become the new godfather of 4x was quite awesome-and still racing DH is legendary.

Sabrina winning in andorra after Tracy won the first 2. It seemed Sabrina was going to get beat every weekend before that and something just clicked and she went on to dominate. Granted its chicks racing which has not been that exciting, but was real cool to see someone who has been racing pro since 1994 still stepping it up.

And since the girls get no love, another chick moment - it was interesting to see Anneke beat Jill Kintner at her own game in her comeback year after a season off to chase olympic glory. Anneke rode smart, won another title...pretty cool.


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
Caroline and Graves doing Australia proud at home.

Peat in the most overdue accomplishment ever.

Hill proving he can pedal in Seth Efrica.

Hill's run @ Schladadingdong was just brutal. After seeing him fall at Val de Sol and Andorra, both times with massive leads, I was on the edge right up until he crossed the finish line.


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
Hill taking the overall and slapping his name back on schladming where it belongs.