
Bibbo Award


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
This is a downhill ski thing, apparently. Was just watching the WC at Beaver Creek. I'm a skier and love racing. It's super cool to see how fast the dudes go down that course. You can do it on your own, but it's not prepped for racing. And it's hella crazy.

Anyways the broadcasting peeps put a up a little graphic on the "Bibbo Award". I don't know if it is new, but cool maybe be applied to DH racing. Not sure how ski racing does their bib numbers. I assume it would be like "race plate" number for the DH racer.

Here we go:

Bibbo Award:

An award given to the racer with the highest bib number that finishes the highest in the final results.

How to calculate:

(yes, this is the equation)- "starting bib number - final result = bibbo number".

Athlete with the highest bibbo number wins

Would be fun to see which of your fav racers reach that, right? Not sure about an "award", but at least bragging rights. Right?

Thoughts? Maybe needs to be called "Plate-O awards"? :D

That would take some number crunching from the least user friendly site in the world (I'm looking at you, UCI). Maybe @Roots 'n Rain has the ability to get that data easily. IDK. Could be fun.