of course, i'm going to link FoxNews:
silver & changleen need to fill their schedule w/ one more blow-off elective, & the conspiracy class is full-up, so they opt into this. should they be in fear of conversion? would it be better to require critical thinking as a pre-requisite for this class? if the bible is pointless or just a good story to some, then wherein lies the harm in studying it? i took a class on greek mythology, what's the diff to the unbeliever?
seems to me that PAW & ACLU could put up a better argument than this. (maybe this is a strawman?)But People for the American Way and the American Civil Liberties union have criticized the council, saying its materials promote religion.
silver & changleen need to fill their schedule w/ one more blow-off elective, & the conspiracy class is full-up, so they opt into this. should they be in fear of conversion? would it be better to require critical thinking as a pre-requisite for this class? if the bible is pointless or just a good story to some, then wherein lies the harm in studying it? i took a class on greek mythology, what's the diff to the unbeliever?