
bible study in TX public schools


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
of course, i'm going to link FoxNews:
But People for the American Way and the American Civil Liberties union have criticized the council, saying its materials promote religion.
seems to me that PAW & ACLU could put up a better argument than this. (maybe this is a strawman?)

silver & changleen need to fill their schedule w/ one more blow-off elective, & the conspiracy class is full-up, so they opt into this. should they be in fear of conversion? would it be better to require critical thinking as a pre-requisite for this class? if the bible is pointless or just a good story to some, then wherein lies the harm in studying it? i took a class on greek mythology, what's the diff to the unbeliever?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Andyman_1970 said:
Would the ACLU have the same problem if say Hinduism or Islam was being taught or studied in a public school?
better yet, would you have a problem with it?

personally, i have read portions of doctrines & covenants, the pearl of great price, book of mormon, dianetics, and do want to study other "works", but see their study in public school as a waste of public dollars. however, studying the koran not so insignificant, as it's culturally and politically significant on a global scale, whereas the aforementioned are not.

religious studies is offered at most (if not all) major universities, which are heavily subsidized; so again, what's the big deal if it's an elective?


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
These classes probably belong in College (where I took and enjoyed them).

Religion is a part of history, but this is probably cutting it too close, even as an elective.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Andyman_1970 said:
Nope, the Bible tells us that we are to "test everything" - so no I would not have a problem with that.
good, cuz the muslims are coming! the muslims are coming!
Dawa in public schools

Definition of Dawa

Dawa means to invite non-Muslims to accept the truth of Islam. Performing Dawa involves both our words and actions.

Dawa through the school newspaper

The school newspaper is another effective way of doing Dawa. Muslim students are highly encouraged to become writers and editors of their school papers. Inform the writing staff to consult you before publishing articles on Islam and Muslims. Being a writer will give you ample opportunity to provide Islamically oriented articles which will Insha Allah open the hearts and minds of readers.

Including Islamic holidays in the school calendar

Many school events and exams are scheduled around Jewish and Christian holidays. Muslims students should approach the school authorities as a group and get Islamic dates included in the school diaries to be considered during the scheduling of important school events.

Islamic books in school libraries

Encourage school libraries to shelf books and magazines on Islam written by Muslims, and to provide the librarian with a list of recommended books on Islam. If the library is unwilling to purchase the books themselves, Muslim students should raise funds amongst themselves and from their parents and come up with the required books.
no mention of explaining clitorectomies in biology, or honor killings & general subjugation of women in sociology, or sudanese slavery in current events, or sharia law in poli-sci

<holds breath>


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Wow, those folks could give the evangelical Christians a run for their money when it comes to sharing their faith.

Let them come, I'll share with them the "dawa" of Jesus..........


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I don't have an issue with this, as long as it stays elective.

edit: I do have doubts about how the class will be done though...

I get more riled up about mythology in science class.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Andyman_1970 said:
Wow, those folks could give the evangelical Christians a run for their money when it comes to sharing their faith.

Let them come, I'll share with them the "dawa" of Jesus..........
unlike islam, the Great Commission is not performed with a sword.

well, ok, maybe it is


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Silver said:
I don't have an issue with this, as long as it stays elective.

edit: I do have doubts about how the class will be done though...
spoken like a true skeptic :)
Silver said:
I get more riled up about mythology in science class.
makes you want to invoke the good names of Zeus & Mars to avenge these apostates


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
That whole Bible in history would be much more holistic if it included like the last 2000 years of history and not the last 250+ American history - that would be cool.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Silver said:
A good test would be me taking the class.
agreed; for it will certainly benefit both sides of the (presumed) debate.
furthermore, seeing how most professors of religious studies do not claim religious allegiance, you should offer to teach it
Silver said:
I would especially like to read pages 229-237 of the course.

as the mormons most infamously say, "milk before meat"

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
- Derek Bok Ex-president of Harvard


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
confirmed: this is an elective:
Johnson said students in the elective class would learn such things as the geography of the Middle East and the influence of the Bible on history and culture.

"How can students understand Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper' or Handel's 'Messiah' if they don't understand the reference from which they came?" Johnson said. The group's Web site says its curriculum has received backing in 292 school districts in 35 states.
houston chronicle


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
LordOpie said:
If you fail the class, do you go to hell?
just for you (since you don't believe in hell), you're converted to islam.

you'll have to ditch your slave-name, as there is no translation for "pork-lover"


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Silver said:
You're crazier than I thought if you think I'm moving to Odessa...
why not? it's just like orange county, only plumper & slower.