
Big Brother gone mad in jolly olde England?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I wonder if we could get Fluff legally banned from RM? :devil:

Not that I would want to, he is the only monkey in the UK that I could think of.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
But to me the ASBO law apears to subvert the whole rule of law theory.
it allows local councils (amoung others) to make up instant laws that ban you from doing something that is quite lawful, such as the kid who has ben banned from saying the word "grass" in public. And under the ASBO law they can imprison him for doing so.

That is just pure monty python!!! :eek:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, police or local authorities may seek an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, or ASBO, against a citizen who is annoying or menacing others. The order is made by a judge and can last anywhere from two years up.
Of course they show the rediculous to make a point but I wonder if that's representative of the whole.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Tenchiro said:
I wonder if we could get Fluff legally banned from RM? :devil:

Not that I would want to, he is the only monkey in the UK that I could think of.
You'd have to prove that I'm anti-social first..

Given the first paragraph you have to wonder about the reporter's impartiality. As with many things the ASBO system can be abused or made to look silly but there is a sound logic behind it. Not everything can be made a cause for an ASBO, only behaviour which is anti-social and you do have to be a twat to get to the point of being issued an ASBO.

Much more worrying issues are the ID card fiasco and Blair's desire to see people locked up for months without charge.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Since when are aussies known for impartiallity? lol

True but you have to wonder about what the hell you have to do to be banned from saying "grass" in public (on pain of imprisonment) for 5 years??
Also it's a bit suspect how ASBO orders can be generated on hearsay and without right of reply from the defendant/accused.
Just a tad one sided eh. :(
yeah yeah I knnow that doesn't happen in all cases, but still it's open for such huge amounts of abuse it's scarry!

So what's this ID card fiasco?