
Big Pimpin


Jan 18, 2004
Maryland, USA
mobius said:
Get spinner hub caps.
Reminds me of my buddy who drives a 1990 Toyota Camry, in white, with rust at all four corners. This summer we put on some cheap spinners we got on eBay. It was perfect for those lunchtime Chipotle runs.

Back to the Volvo - nice man. The tint's a little dark for my taste, but still good.
thanks, i got the car from my mom, in hopes that she would get a new car.. no such luck for her yet. maybe when i go to college in the fall. the tint was a birthday present, it keeps the prying eyes out, i usually have half a bike store's worth of parks and junk in the back of it. it still runs, and refuses to die, so i wont be getting a new car anytime soon. but i like it.