
Big Thanks


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
to every single person who came out and helped make this one of, if not the best weekend of riding we've ever had at the rock.

it would have been a futile effort to even begin to count the number of riders who were there.
all i know is the parking lot was loud and full of smiling downhillers.

i could go on and on.
but i just want to say how proud i am of how everyone represented our community up there, amongst all the mayhem that surrounds us.

lots of donations were made to the local mission of hope. THANKS.

i talked with a few of the non mt.biker locals yesterday before i left.
and they are all happy with our presence up here.
security likes the fact that if they have any kind of issue with us, that they can come into our area and be greeted with respect and the issue(what few there have ever been) will be resolved right there on the spot.
they're very grateful for that.

a few of the mt. rescue squad showed up after everyone had left and expressed their admiration for what we're doing up here as far as trail building/management and our safety record up here.

we are the only user group up here that cause very little or no problems whatsoever.

we have a long term downhilling home up here
part of that comes from me being "The Warden".
but most of it comes from ya'll.

and yesterday right before i left, i took a look around.
not one speck of trash was left behind by anyone.

we build up here.
but it's the riders who show up for weekends like this one who make this place what it is.

if i started naming names, i would inevitably leave a few out.
so i won't.

joey bridges.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
You know that steady drizzle I was talking about? I think we are getting right now!
This thread is not about your prostate problems.
Hey, I can't find my camelbak, have you seen it?:bonk: :biggrin:
Also, this weekend ruled.
I wish I could have been up there both days.
Thank you guys, and I'll see ya in a couple of weeks.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Sucks that I had to go to NJ and miss out. The waves were only 3ft so we didn't even do any surfing. It was not worth getting in the water when it was 40D out.

I heard from a lot of guys it was a great up there this weekend for all. Joey, I guess the only way you can make that please better is to put in a lift!!!! I will see you guys on the 28th.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
a lift would slow the turnaround time down.
lifts are so darn overated.

besides we have brady.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
like i've said elsewhere.

you, john and the entire high gear team have played a big part in this place becoming what it is today.
many folks plan their trips here around the arrival of your group.

which always leads to the best weekends we enjoy all year.

a big thanks goes out to heather for driving the truck and trailer back down the mt. every run this weekend.
that's a very thankless and annoying job, considering the rudeness of a small portion of the motorized crew that fly up and down that pavement.

and has anybody ever thought about how many downhillers have been delivered to the top of a mt. via bradys truck ?


Sep 22, 2001
Granite, lots of granite
a big thanks goes out to heather for driving the truck and trailer back down the mt. every run this weekend.
that's a very thankless and annoying job, considering the rudeness of a small portion of the motorized crew that fly up and down that pavement.
Here Here! Big Thanks to Heather. Came all the way from Michigan to drive shuttle. THAT is dedication!!!!

John M

Mar 17, 2005
S/E Mich (pancake)
like i've said elsewhere.

you, john and the entire high gear team have played a big part in this place becoming what it is today.
many folks plan their trips here around the arrival of your group.

which always leads to the best weekends we enjoy all year.

a big thanks goes out to heather for driving the truck and trailer back down the mt. every run this weekend.
that's a very thankless and annoying job, considering the rudeness of a small portion of the motorized crew that fly up and down that pavement.

and has anybody ever thought about how many downhillers have been delivered to the top of a mt. via bradys truck ?
Well lets do some math.....aprox 20 bikes per trip up about 10 runs on sunday and about 7 on Sat. Thats about 340 just this weekend.
So I would like to say thank you to Brady for that... I know we covered his gas and then some, but I am sure we didnt cover all the wear and tear that can accure on a Mt. road like that.
As far as Heather...... She wasnt letting on to many people, but being there and NOT riding her was killing her.She did say she was glad to be there and do her share to get so many of us up the hill. Thanks Heather
I am glad that people plan there trips around our arrival. It really takes very little effort to plan these trips anymore... I kinda have a great system down with ALL the people in my group as far as housing goes. The hard part is hooking everyone up with a ride down with someone leaving as the same time as them. But its all worth it. I really enjoy seeing my trailer loaded down with 20 bikes and 20 friends.
Everyone is happy and ALWAYS have a big smile on there face.
I hope there wasnt too much trail damage this weekend. See you on the next trip- JM


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
You left out the ear to ear grins of Luke and his crew from Tahoe!! To have your car break down in Knoxville on the way back from Snowshoe and unwittingly ask the right question to the right person at the right shop on the right day....how much good karma was that?


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
I hope there wasnt too much trail damage this weekend. JM

i was keeping an eye on that all weekend.
when you consider the total amount of runs that were made up here.
wear and tear were far less than i expected.
and the past two days of light soaking rains the trails have gotten will only make them better.

some sections of the windmill trail needed all the traffic it received, to bed the sections in a little more.
and the few areas where people were blowing out the sides,
well that was nothing more than not taking the correct line into the section.
or riding around rocks etc... that your suspension would easily soak up.(that was what i saw more than anything else.)
folks need to learn that riding right down the middle of the trail is much more efficient than trying to bob and weave around stuff.

and the waterfall getting all jacked up is something everyone needs to be aware of.
that section usually needs rebuilding every saturday morning before we can ride.
they've altered the waterflow down that section with all the construction in and around there.
it gets ten times more water flow than it used to.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
hold up.

this weekend is a no-go.

the a.t.v. club is having their fall jamboree this thursday thru sunday.

we won't be there at all.
the crowds will be huge, and parking will be non-existant.

plus the last thing we need is to have a bunch of non-local a.t.v. riders watching us ride and then poaching our trails as we pass thru.
(it always happens)

i might be up there this weekend working on the jumps.
but that'll be it.

the following weekend and then the second weekend in november seems to be when guys are planning trips.

all are weather permitting though.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
hold up.

this weekend is a no-go.

the a.t.v. club is having their fall jamboree this thursday thru sunday.

we won't be there at all.
the crowds will be huge, and parking will be non-existant.

plus the last thing we need is to have a bunch of non-local a.t.v. riders watching us ride and then poaching our trails as we pass thru.
(it always happens)

i might be up there this weekend working on the jumps.
but that'll be it.

the following weekend and then the second weekend in november seems to be when guys are planning trips.

all are weather permitting though.
OK, I was wondering about that jamboree. I'll resubmit the proper paperwork in triplicate to the wife:banghead:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
If I thought ahead I would have not left my Camelbak in Doug's truck 4 times now.
Then again, maybe that is my excuse to HAVE to go back to windrock this year. Win win for me.:biggrin:
starting to wonder if that little pinhole in your radiator that time was planned?

Wow...so counting the 4 times in Doug truck, leaving it in mine twice and who knows how many in Matts....:clue: That's like 9+ extra rides you've gotten in...


Feb 9, 2006
Oh and I left my stirrups at dougs house! Guess I'll be back 2nd
weekend in November! More Emerald!!