
Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction?

Do you believe in Bigfoot,Have you encountered it?

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Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
I had a dream about bigfoot one night, and It's startin to creep me out. I went on the internet got onto google, and tryed to find some videos and pictures. a few came up. Still not sure. Theres a Bigfoot muesum near the spot i ride at, never bothered to look but im considering it.This may sound crazy but Do you believe in Bigfoot, and have you encountered it?


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
i believe in bigfoot, sam, one of my friends swears he saw one before too. you need to go to the muesum. they have foot prints there, videos, pics, stories (from them and other people), they have the sounds they make, and even more stuff. it is really cool


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i'm still trying to get to the bottom of the "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop" let alone delve into the mysteries of Sasquatch.....


Watch 'Drawing Flies'. View Askew and Jason Lee have all the answers.

*tehehehehe - I really hope this thread makes someone watch this POS movie. I hate to be the only one to have seen it. :dead:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
A few years ago a guy admitted Bigfoot was a farce. He was the one the provided that photograph.


The Bigfoot is supposed to be a large, bipedal, hominid-like creature which reports claim lives in the American Northwest, particularly in the densley wooded areas. Stories put it at between 7 and 10 feet tall with very large feet and large amounts of hair all over its body. There have been any number of reports of bigfoot tracks and even a film of an alleged Bigfoot, but there is no way to distinguish hoaxes from something which might be real.

One factor speaking against the reality of Bigfoot is that, in order to maintain a stable gene pool, there would have to be quite a few of them around - and because their home would be areas where humans do travel, it is strange that there isn't more evidence of them.

The second factor making their existence doubtful is the total lack of physical evidence. No one has found a single hair, bone, dropping, or other bit of matter which would point to such a creature. Once again, with so many of them wandering around, and with so many true believers on the hunt, some bit of evidence should have been discovered by now.

A primary origin of the modern Bigfoot phenomenon was the discovery in August, 1958, of large footprints in Humboldt County, California. The idea of a large creature living in the California and, eventually, upper midwest wilderness caught on as people came to believe that America had its very own Abominable Snowmen. Unfortunately for true believers, it has been revealed that these footprints were a deliberate hoax created by Ray L. Wallace. Experts had long believed that he was responsible for them, but when he died on November 26, 2002, he family revealed the truth for the first time.

Wallace may have also had a hand in the create of the most famous "evidence" for the existence of Bigfoot, the so-called Patterson film. In 1967 rodeo rider Roger Patterson captured grainy celluloid images of an erect ape-like creature walking away from his movie camera. Wallace's role? He told Patterson where to go in order to have the best chance of finding and filming a Bigfoot - near Bluff Creek, California. According to Wallace's son, Ray's wife Elna had admitted to being filmed in a Bigfoot suit at least once.

Wallace's role in providing information about the behavior of Bigfoot, often through his own films, were well known throughout the community of believers. However, he rarely received open credit - probably because acknowledging his role would have been embarrassing. The revelation from his family should be even more embarrassing, but it does not appear to have fazed true believers at all.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Not to sure, I had my own weird encounter once. Near my my house a friend and I were outside in the evening just practicing some trials when we saw some thing in the feild. We went over by the fence to take a look (this was a hay feild, with hay about 2 feet high) it was hunched over and hairy. So i decided to through some rocks at it. It made some ****ed up noise when I hit it. Anyways I was scared ****tless, I started to head towards my house when it started to crawl off. I got my mom she thought we had been trying drugs....anyways we ended up calling the police, they also asked if we had been smoking up. I got a huge knife and my friend and I went after it with my dog. It went towards our nabours house. We lost it there, and just than my nabour came home, to see me standing with a huge knife, in their head lights. Scared them, but I explained it all and she was glad I had come over, she said she had caught some guy sneeking around her house and peering in the windows at night.....so long story made short it turned into an urban legand all cause of me.. I think we foudn out it was a bum living in the woods in the end, who was very hairy....Also I read a book about bigfoot, writing by one of the most famous moutain climbers...good book anyone should read.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I have never encountered it. nor do i want to... but some day when I have a while I am going to try the "how many licks does it take?" And when I do i wil tell you... But I bet mr. owl is right


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
Brian HCM#1 said:
A few years ago a guy admitted Bigfoot was a farce. He was the one the provided that photograph.
at that museum i was talking about they have video of him walking, they were up there filming some other stuff, and then they saw bigfoot, turned and video thaped him walking. after he was gone they had a grone man walk in the same spot to show there diffence. ill try to find it and post it :thumb:


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
Skookum said:
i'm still trying to get to the bottom of the "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop" let alone delve into the mysteries of Sasquatch.....
i did it when i was in 4th grade. but i did it tell it was gone. it took me 3,2_ _ . i cant rember the last 2 digets
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
if this guys family claimed that they were filmed in the suit, wheres the suit now?There is no evidence of them in that suit.there word is as good as the people who claimed they encountered bigfoot.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
loco said:
Watch 'Drawing Flies'. View Askew and Jason Lee have all the answers.

*tehehehehe - I really hope this thread makes someone watch this POS movie. I hate to be the only one to have seen it. :dead:

I share your pain, I too have seen that craptacular piece of work.
They truley are reall because the History chanel had a whole show on Skunk-Apes (Big-Foot).

A team of detectives want to all of the areas where skunk-apes were seen and tied a wheather baloon to a tree and mounted Night vision cameras on them.......They saw one. :D :eviltongu here he is... :dancing:
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
I heard a long time ago up here in the SC mountains these people would cut trees down, and this gorilla like creature(bigfoot) would rip the workers arms off and kill em. they said they found arms on the ground torn off with a deep big Hand print in em. kinda freaky.


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
that would not be true, sam. because bigfoot is thought to be a kind creature, and the only reason people barly see them is because the get scared of every thing. (the old guy at the museum told me that)


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Everyone knows bigfoot exists. In the mid ninties he came out fo the woods, changed his last name from Foot to Mureson, and began playing basketball for the Washington Wizards. Sadly, his career ended with a back injury sustianed during the filming of the crappy Billy Crystal movie "My Giant", and he has since returned to the woods.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
caputo1989 said:

Please invest in a good spell-checker. I believe that word was supposed to be, "intriguing".

DownhillnDunkey said:
if this guys family claimed that they were filmed in the suit, wheres the suit now?There is no evidence of them in that suit.there word is as good as the people who claimed they encountered bigfoot.
Yes, that is to say, their word is no good at all.

IMO, "bigfoot" is pure silliness. There are too many people looking for it for there not to have been some real evidence of it before this. A couple grainy photos and a grainy home video don't provide evidence. Supposedly, it's a huge creature. There would be evidence of its droppings, food eaten, etc.

How many scientists would love to discover a new species? You think any of them are going to pass it up if this creature really exists?

It's just another old wive's tale...

dh girlie

DownhillnDunkey said:
I had a dream about bigfoot one night, and It's startin to creep me out. I went on the internet got onto google, and tryed to find some videos and pictures. a few came up. Still not sure. Theres a Bigfoot muesum near the spot i ride at, never bothered to look but im considering it.This may sound crazy but Do you believe in Bigfoot, and have you encountered it?
I've never heard of any bigfoot sightings in Santa Cruz...where is the museum? Sounds like a good rainy day thing to do...