
Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction?

Do you believe in Bigfoot,Have you encountered it?

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dh girlie

Brian HCM#1 said:
A few years ago a guy admitted Bigfoot was a farce. He was the one the provided that photograph.


The Bigfoot is supposed to be a large, bipedal, hominid-like creature which reports claim lives in the American Northwest, particularly in the densley wooded areas. Stories put it at between 7 and 10 feet tall with very large feet and large amounts of hair all over its body. There have been any number of reports of bigfoot tracks and even a film of an alleged Bigfoot, but there is no way to distinguish hoaxes from something which might be real.

One factor speaking against the reality of Bigfoot is that, in order to maintain a stable gene pool, there would have to be quite a few of them around - and because their home would be areas where humans do travel, it is strange that there isn't more evidence of them.

The second factor making their existence doubtful is the total lack of physical evidence. No one has found a single hair, bone, dropping, or other bit of matter which would point to such a creature. Once again, with so many of them wandering around, and with so many true believers on the hunt, some bit of evidence should have been discovered by now.

A primary origin of the modern Bigfoot phenomenon was the discovery in August, 1958, of large footprints in Humboldt County, California. The idea of a large creature living in the California and, eventually, upper midwest wilderness caught on as people came to believe that America had its very own Abominable Snowmen. Unfortunately for true believers, it has been revealed that these footprints were a deliberate hoax created by Ray L. Wallace. Experts had long believed that he was responsible for them, but when he died on November 26, 2002, he family revealed the truth for the first time.

Wallace may have also had a hand in the create of the most famous "evidence" for the existence of Bigfoot, the so-called Patterson film. In 1967 rodeo rider Roger Patterson captured grainy celluloid images of an erect ape-like creature walking away from his movie camera. Wallace's role? He told Patterson where to go in order to have the best chance of finding and filming a Bigfoot - near Bluff Creek, California. According to Wallace's son, Ray's wife Elna had admitted to being filmed in a Bigfoot suit at least once.

Wallace's role in providing information about the behavior of Bigfoot, often through his own films, were well known throughout the community of believers. However, he rarely received open credit - probably because acknowledging his role would have been embarrassing. The revelation from his family should be even more embarrassing, but it does not appear to have fazed true believers at all.
Good lord! His WIFE wore the bigfoot suit? Thats a HUUUUUGE bitch!

Kinky bastards....

Would it be IRONIC if the guy that started the hoax died from being mauled by bigfoot?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Of course he exists! Who the hell do you think it is munching down all that hippie homegrown then running around like a lunatic, making circles in the crops? Word on the street is that he now squishes his dogs into a pilferred pair of Birkenstocks to throw of his pursuers.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
Good lord! His WIFE wore the bigfoot suit? Thats a HUUUUUGE bitch!

Kinky bastards....

Would it be IRONIC if the guy that started the hoax died from being mauled by bigfoot?
Ever see what happened to the dudes dressed up in the cow suit in "Top Secret"? :D

How funny it would be if he dressed up as sasquatch, applied rut scent...and then was come upon by the real mccoy while clamboring over a deadfall. Even if he survived the bitestick experience, the constume store would seize his deposit once the beheld the tear in the seat with grievously matted faux fur.

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Ever see what happened to the dudes dressed up in the cow suit in "Top Secret"? :D

How funny it would be if he dressed up as sasquatch, applied rut scent...and then was come upon by the real mccoy while clamboring over a deadfall. Even if he survived the bitestick experience, the constume store would seize his deposit once the beheld the tear in the seat with grievously matted faux fur.

AHAHAHAHAHA! Damn dude...

Yes, I saw that movie Top Secret and do remember what happened to the dude in a cow git up.

Do you remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer was Mr. Burns'
prank monkey and he wore the panda suit at the zoo and the panda had it's way with him? And the zoo guy who was giving the background on the panda's was all...I think ming ming (or whatever the pandas name was) just asked ylang ylang to marry him! And you can hear Homer screaming. HAHAHAHA!


stoney98 said:
I believe that there could be a large, "undiscovered" (ie by westerners) ape in the himalayas - see yeti, but not in the Americans. Although native americans had stories of creatures like bigfoot, one can deduce that they are of the same origin as the Yeti. Which coincidentally is where NAtive Americans migrated from-- central asia.

What do you know about Yeti??? Oh nevermind....;)

*kidding about Yeti - disclaimer intended to unwad stone's panties.

dh girlie

stoney98 said:
I believe that there could be a large, "undiscovered" (ie by westerners) ape in the himalayas - see yeti, but not in the Americans. Although native americans had stories of creatures like bigfoot, one can deduce that they are of the same origin as the Yeti. Which coincidentally is where NAtive Americans migrated from-- central asia.


It was all that peyote they were consuming...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
Do you remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer was Mr. Burns' prank monkey and he wore the panda suit at the zoo and the panda had it's way with him? And the zoo guy who was giving the background on the panda's was all...I think ming ming (or whatever the pandas name was) just asked ylang ylang to marry him! And you can hear Homer screaming. HAHAHAHA!
"I may be naked and reeking of panda love..."

On a different note from that episode...

Burns (holding a pudding): "Hurl THIS at THAT!"
Homer: "But Lenny's a war hero."
Burns: "Well, let's decorate him then!"
H: "No!"
B: "Not even for.. FOUR DOLLARS?!"
<Homer throws pudding>
Lenny: "Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it"
B: "Haha! That was capital. My lung is aching."

dh girlie

binary visions said:
"I may be naked and reeking of panda love..."

On a different note from that episode...

Burns (holding a pudding): "Hurl THIS at THAT!"
Homer: "But Lenny's a war hero."
Burns: "Well, let's decorate him then!"
H: "No!"
B: "Not even for.. FOUR DOLLARS?!"
<Homer throws pudding>
Lenny: "Ow! My eye! I'm not supposed to get pudding in it"
B: "Haha! That was capital. My lung is aching."
No...it was...the doctor said I'm not supposed to get pudding in my eye! HAHAHAHA!
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
dh girlie said:
I've never heard of any bigfoot sightings in Santa Cruz...where is the museum? Sounds like a good rainy day thing to do...

its in felton on highway 9, here www.bigfootdiscoveryproject.com

and there has been a bigfoot sighting in santa cruz i think it was near highway 1, if you do go to that museum, there is a map in there that shows where he has been spotted. Its a tiny little museum, but its pretty interesting.
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
dh girlie said:
HAHAHA! check this out...

Bigfoot once lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains . . .

he probably moved cuz of the housing prices!!!
I want to be friends with bigfoot, i saw this movie once, and tthis family found bigfoot and they were like his friend, i'd teach him how to MTB. He'd need Risse: big foot, hur hur :monkey: .
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
If you live in san jose, you should come on a non-rainy day and ride, then goto the museum,or goto the museum scare yourself then ride in the forest where bigfoot might be :monkey: . the museum seriously is no bigger then my room. so its not worth driving all this way just to go to this museum. so bring your bike :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
HAHAHA! check this out...

Bigfoot once lived in the Santa Cruz Mountains . . .

he probably moved cuz of the housing prices!!!
I hear he was just tired of being hassled by Sierra Club pukes who demanded that he walk backwards with a broom to erase his ecology-damaging tracks. Even more damning, Piesgrandes had failed to file a complete environmental impact statement before dropping a deuce in the woods, so he was forced to flee before the approach of the torch-bearing throng.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
One of my professors said he had a friend who graduated with a masters in engineering the same time as he did, while he went on to pursue a carrear in engineering, the friend went on to become one of the world's leading bigfoot experts. Apparently his theory is that Bigfoot is a species that lives in a network of caves in the sierras and northern california.

dh girlie

Kornphlake said:
One of my professors said he had a friend who graduated with a masters in engineering the same time as he did, while he went on to pursue a carrear in engineering, the friend went on to become one of the world's leading bigfoot experts. Apparently his theory is that Bigfoot is a species that lives in a network of caves in the sierras and northern california.

Stop it...you're scaring me...


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
DownhillnDunkey said:
and there has been a bigfoot sighting in santa cruz i think it was near highway 1, if you do go to that museum, there is a map in there that shows where he has been spotted. Its a tiny little museum, but its pretty interesting.
there have been mulitbul sitings in the Santa Cruz Mountains (each foot on the map doesnt just stand for one). were that on really famous vidoe was takin, was up in Bluff Creek in north california. there have been many sitings up there too. (hundeds)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
dh girlie said:
HAHA! wouldn't it be funny if he was spotted in a NOR CAL tshirt?

I wouldn't doubt it. Every Norcalian and their mom has a NOR/CAL shirt of some sort. Hell, even some of the kids up here in Oregon have them :think:


Jan 29, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
Ever see what happened to the dudes dressed up in the cow suit in "Top Secret"? :D
too funny!

I've seen bigfoot. It's 4 meters tall.
I even hucked it.
It's a drop in the most awesome track i've ever ridden: the Freeride track in Morgins Switzerland.
The 4 meter drop is one of the easier features of this one.