
Biggest Loser CANCELED


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

My sandwich just became very unsatisfying.
Mac's Speedshop in Charlotte has quite tasty BBQ.

And if beer is your thing they have a very wide and varied selection to choose from.


Norman Einstein
Jan 18, 2004
i'm waiting for someone to start the NAAFP.

North American Association for Fat Pieces of sh!t.

It boggles my mind how fat people claim they're discriminated against. Other kinds of discrimination are as a result of things people can't change (heritage, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion; well some can be changed [religion], but most people won't). If you are fat you CAN change it. No, it won't be easy, no it won't be quick, but it can be done, and should be. Yes, this is me hating on fatties. You're not a religious sect, you're not an ethnic background, you're lazy. And that's a horrible excuse.

That being said, feel free to shoot me if i ever get over say, 300 lbs. (I'm currently 6'0" and 190lbs.)


My soul weeps.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
You work in IT? If the server was so important, how come daily backups aren't run? Why wasn't it on a raid5?

Sounds to me like someone brought up dieting so that no one would realize that they f-ed up in planning a good backup solution for the server.

Fat people in server rooms and IDFs are a bad idea. They knock cables loose and pinch fibre when they try to squeeze in there.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
You work in IT? If the server was so important, how come daily backups aren't run? Why wasn't it on a raid5?

Sounds to me like someone brought up dieting so that no one would realize that they f-ed up in planning a good backup solution for the server.

Fat people in server rooms and IDFs are a bad idea. They knock cables loose and pinch fibre when they try to squeeze in there.
If you were paying attention, he did say that daily backups are supposed to be run, but they haven't worked since 12/22. Sounds like the backup manager/team/administrator has some serious answering to do. Hardware failures can't be predicted, but if your backups aren't good you're screwed when they do happen. I still don't see what dieting has to do with a server crash. F* them, get out ASAP.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
How does staying fat help a computer run?
The additional mass provides sufficient gravitional force between the server and its surrounding cubicle operators to keep things in sync.

It's simple physics. Large masses orbiting around something larger. Losing that mass just fvcks things up. :busted:



Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
The additional mass provides sufficient gravitional force between the server and its surrounding cubicle operators to keep things in sync.

It's simple physics. Large masses orbiting around something larger. Losing that mass just fvcks things up. :busted:

It's true. When I was a computer operator, they made me bulk up. That is why I am so fat. I was 20 lbs short of being lead operator. My heft really souped the mainframe up.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
I accept fat people, I accept that they need to shed some pounds and stop complaining because they like to have their own glutton bowl every night.


Norman Einstein
Jan 18, 2004
I'm trying to find it again, but there is another fat acceptance website that has tons of articles on it also, some of which are how to wipe your a** with a toilet brush and a washcloth when you can't reach it normally.

I say it again, my soul weeps.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
You work in IT? If the server was so important, how come daily backups aren't run? Why wasn't it on a raid5?

Sounds to me like someone brought up dieting so that no one would realize that they f-ed up in planning a good backup solution for the server.

Fat people in server rooms and IDFs are a bad idea. They knock cables loose and pinch fibre when they try to squeeze in there.
OK - server was not built with raid-5, why I don't know - this was before my time here. I have asked to have that server rebuild several times however management never wanted to take it down. Due to that same fact the last image I had of it was back in Nov.

Yes, the backup team dropped the ball on this one. They backup 400+ server so they have a TON of failed backups to research every day. It would seem that they just skipped over a few. Yes heads did roll over this.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Heh, yep, still sticking to my guns on the RAID 5 issue... 400+ servers is a lot to keep track of though, so I kinda understand that one.

I still say the diet thing was brought up in an attempt to take attention away from someone's screwup, and done so with the knowledge that the boss is fat. The fat people are out to get you.


May 16, 2006
Los Gatos
Umm... you can use a hot spare with 1+0 and the performance of that setup (all else being equal) should beat the pants off RAID5. There's no parity calculation in 1+0.

It's quite expensive, though.
SkaredShtles FTW!
bdamschen, I'd be more than happen to explain it to you why RAID 1+0 is better than RAID 5. Much beer will have to be involved though, and perhaps a wrestling match afterwards...

Or you could just ask your boss.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Umm... you can use a hot spare with 1+0 and the performance of that setup (all else being equal) should beat the pants off RAID5. There's no parity calculation in 1+0.

It's quite expensive, though.

I've always imagine you just sound like some pompous dillhole. Now the voice that comes to mind is the Comic Book Guy.