
Bike Article


May 15, 2006
This months Bike mag has an article about 29" wheels in it. Pretty much more of the same type of press that all the mags have been giving out since 2000. Trying to directly compare 29" wheeled bikes to 26" wheeled bikes which has since the first only inspired the fervor of resentment on both sides. At least in this article the writer had spent some time riding 29" wheels prior to posting his thoughts.

At first it was kind of necessary to point out that the perceived shortcomings, based on strictly comparison value, most notably the "weaker wheel" and "only for taller riders" theories chafed against the few of us that had not seen this as truth because we were bashing wheelsets with abandon and seeing folks down to 5'1" riding 29"ers but trying to get that point across only got us labeled as "zealots" or trying to convert the whole biking community, whatever. They were frustrating times for sure, but in the end the qualities of the 29" wheel took hold as more support via frames, forks and tires became available which was another aspect that the general public was against, but once they became available the light shone in just about all areas of the country for many. So they could no longer be labeled as just for the high country hippies anymore!

The turning point is upon us however I feel, the fervor to make folks understand the same points that were misunderstood in the beginning should be winding down. Many shorter folks are enjoying 29" wheels along with the tall riders. Wheels, well you can get any wheel to chip if you try hard enough. Weight may be a factor to many but to just as many if not more it is not, cost is. So at what point does a mag like Bike just grab a 29"er from a manufacturer and just ride the thing and test it based on its merits as a MTB? Soon I hope.

Folks like Dave Turner who say what they feel about whatever subject they are talking about are necessary and while we may think they are not exactly right it is not worth arguing the same points over and over again is it? BCD here is on the right track, he has the ability to manufacture a DH bike with 29" wheels and ride it to boot. When a tire catches up with him I think that the industry will see another facet to 29" wheels. But if it doesn't pan out at least he tried it and didn't just dismiss it out of hand based on the aforementioned comparison scale. If it does what he thinks it is doing you have to wish him all the success he can garner before the industry takes ahold of it however.

It all boils down to the same thing that has been said for the last 7 years, "you have to ride to decide" and whatever decision you make after that ride or rides has to be the right one if you are the one making the decision based on your own thoughts, not the perceptions of others.