I've got 2:
-One time a guy came in with a bike asking to fix it up for his son. "I found this bike in my neighbors garbage and I want to fix it up for my son." I s*** you not he actually said this. I amost asked him if he wanted to give his son his first trip to the hospital too. We were nice and looked it over and told him it would be about $200 between labor and parts. He asked to speak with our manager so I kindly obliged. My boss told him "This bike didn't cost as much as the repairs are going to be. Don't you think there was a reason the bike was in the garbage?" The guy promptly left.
-Someone came in yelling at us that we had brought his bike in for repairs and that we had stolen the reflectors off his wheels. I told him that was absurd and that we would never doing anything like that. Eventually we find out that this is his first time at the shop I worked at. He then proceeded to try and sell us a kickstand that he found on the side of the trail.
-One time a guy came in with a bike asking to fix it up for his son. "I found this bike in my neighbors garbage and I want to fix it up for my son." I s*** you not he actually said this. I amost asked him if he wanted to give his son his first trip to the hospital too. We were nice and looked it over and told him it would be about $200 between labor and parts. He asked to speak with our manager so I kindly obliged. My boss told him "This bike didn't cost as much as the repairs are going to be. Don't you think there was a reason the bike was in the garbage?" The guy promptly left.
-Someone came in yelling at us that we had brought his bike in for repairs and that we had stolen the reflectors off his wheels. I told him that was absurd and that we would never doing anything like that. Eventually we find out that this is his first time at the shop I worked at. He then proceeded to try and sell us a kickstand that he found on the side of the trail.