
Bike Officer hit by car...


Feb 15, 2006
Houston, Tx
So basically they were turning into a driveway and didn't see the guy backing out of his own driveway. Then they needed an excuse so they said and I quote,
"The man who was driving the car that struck the officer was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Officers said they found evidence that he might have been drinking inside his car."

Boy there are alot of mights in those two sentances. I think its a load of bull $hit myself. The cops probably were coming around a bush/hedge style fence or something and were talking and not paying attention. But like Stinkyboy said,"Is the bike OK?" :rofl:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
magimerlin said:
So basically they were turning into a driveway and didn't see the guy backing out of his own driveway. Then they needed an excuse so they said and I quote,
"The man who was driving the car that struck the officer was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Officers said they found evidence that he might have been drinking inside his car."

Boy there are alot of mights in those two sentances. I think its a load of bull $hit myself. The cops probably were coming around a bush/hedge style fence or something and were talking and not paying attention. But like Stinkyboy said,"Is the bike OK?" :rofl:
Is this Johnny Cochran, advocating from the grave?

Have you ever ridden a bike on the road before? A rider will barely go jogging speed when turning from the street to the sidewalk, and is very aware of any car movement simply because there isn't a windshield blocking your vision/hearing.

Conversely, a driver is always responsible for any accident when backing out a driveway, whether it was with a bike or another auto.

Finally, I believe it was a legit arrest. If the story was a bike cop was run over, then the driver was shot "fleeing the scene", then you might call BS.


Feb 15, 2006
Houston, Tx
Well OK then. :) Yes I ride on the road alot actually. And I know what you are saying. My point is the guy was arrested on the "SUSPICION"(not yelling just quoting) of driving while intexicated(did they test the driver?), and they claim they found evidence the driver "MIGHT"(not yelling just quoting) have been drinking in the vehicle(so was the driver or wasn't the driver drinking, they do not seem to know).
As far as the driver being responsible party behind the wheel. I totally agree. But if I was to see someone pulling out(foward or backwards) out of anywhere I damb well make sure that they see me. If I do not think that they see me I stop and let them pull out. Usually the person driving will give you some type of gesture saying that they see you. Whether it be a simple nod of the head to a wave of the hand. This is my experience but then again we just might be alittle more polite and curtious here in my hick town in New Hampshire then they are in a big city in Texas. I guess I'll find out in October when I go there for a year for school. In the long run I'm really just saying someone isn't telling to whole story here, there are to many questions still to answer. So I wasn't trying to say it was the cops own fault (even though thats how I made it sound) just that something is missing in that story and someone does want to tell it or might not want it in the news. Your guess is as good as mine though on that one.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
magimerlin said:
Well OK then. :) Yes I ride on the road alot actually. And I know what you are saying. My point is the guy was arrested on the "SUSPICION"(not yelling just quoting) of driving while intexicated(did they test the driver?), and they claim they found evidence the driver "MIGHT"(not yelling just quoting) have been drinking in the vehicle(so was the driver or wasn't the driver drinking, they do not seem to know).
You realize that they legally MUST use words like "Suspicion or Alleged or Might" because they havent been found guilty yet, right?


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
magimerlin said:
So basically they were turning into a driveway and didn't see the guy backing out of his own driveway. Then they needed an excuse so they said and I quote,
"The man who was driving the car that struck the officer was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Officers said they found evidence that he might have been drinking inside his car."

Boy there are alot of mights in those two sentances. I think its a load of bull $hit myself. The cops probably were coming around a bush/hedge style fence or something and were talking and not paying attention. But like Stinkyboy said,"Is the bike OK?" :rofl:
What article did you read? It says the officer were turning into a driveway. Maybe it was a driveway to a shopping center, convenience store, etc. I didn't see any mention that the driver was backing up.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
You realize that they legally MUST use words like "Suspicion or Alleged or Might" because they havent been found guilty yet, right?


Feb 15, 2006
Houston, Tx
Wumpus said:
What article did you read? It says the officer were turning into a driveway. Maybe it was a driveway to a shopping center, convenience store, etc. I didn't see any mention that the driver was backing up.
I am reading the same one everyone else is. I quote
"Investigators said two Dallas bike officers were patrolling the Oak Lawn neighborhood, headed south on Lemmon Avenue, and were turning into a driveway when the officer was hit."

Living in New Hampshire and Maine all my life, to me a neighborhood is a residential area not a commercial one. As far as the driver backing out of the driveway. Would it have made anyone feel better if I said pulling out, pulling into, or backing into. They are not telling us what happened other then an officer got hit with a car. Sorry I assumed, human nature. This is part of my point though. The reporters are not telling us something or they did the reporter thing not knowing themselves. You know jump the gun , print what they have and fill in the rest later.
Either way an officer got hit, its obviously the drivers fault. The officer will live(which is a good thing). And I quote "Police said his injuries are not life-threatening." So hopefully if the person was drunk, article didn't say was or wasn't but like BurlyShirley said they can't say, as he probably wasn't found inocent or guilty at the time of the incident.
OK I'm done, I explained myself. Basically I assumed. You know how that goes it makes an "A$$-outta-U-ME" but this time it was just me. It's all good though. It's 11:30 I'm going to bed. Going for an early ride tomorrow.