
Bike related fun in the ROC


Mar 5, 2003
its all bike related.

woman comes into shop. last week she test rodee a bike for 2 HOURS without telling anyone, totally left the shop. we told her if she did it again we'd charge her a rental fee. so she comes back today. she wants to ride a bike. we EXPLCITLY tell her only the parking lot. Guiltyblade follows her for a lap and is like, yeah, shes good. then shes ****ing GONE and we see her like a mile off in the distance, climbing some hill, and im like, WTF.... so our manager gets the bike she dropped off to get worked on, back outside on her car rack. she comes back 20 minutes after the store closes... the manager tells her to get the hell off the bike and get out. she flips... we ask her not to come back.. shes basically stolen it!! crazy.

work is lame. nothing cool happens.

lots of trailwork. end up with a bunch of trucks expressway loaded with stunts stuicking out. 1 silverado loaded with logs, 1 silverado + 16ft trailer loadedd with teeter totters and bridges.... huge.. we need to shuttle from creation location to riding location...we end up ripping around in fairport.. racing, while loaded down.. ended up doing like 75mph in a 40 passing cars loaded with 6 tons of wood... awesome!! we got food at the P-hots and parked all in a line, blocking the whole parking lot.

wednesday: park ave bike shop race series. andy takes the durango thru the course, I have the huge PAB box van. he manages to get the durango stuck in some mud. went in hard and deep enough to slam the headlights into mud... rear wheel in the air.. cant back out. drove the Park ave truck backwards down this trail, used a tow strap, and tried to pull. nothing. even spun the DUALLIE tires on the truck... ended up doing the jerk tug thing, and pulled him out... the mud even made noise. then it started to rain oncee the race started... its a 2 mile XC loop thru the woods, so andy roded his bullit (shiver, 3" tires, single chainring) and I rode my BMX thru it... terrifying, falling all over, it was like 3" deep mud the whiole way... so tiring. after that we went to the secret warehouse, and me and guiltyblade rode all the cool stuff there. curved wallrides, spines, minis, etc... amazing.

day off, nothing crazy. deecide to go to the mall and get some icecream, and oogle some ladies. driving out there, we are in the middle lane of a 3 lane expressway. we are doing almost 70mph in a 55 zone.. and guiltyblade is like, "yo, two cars coming up FAST on us" and sure enough, two pimped out civics go past at like.. probably 110mph.. one on each side. sure enough, about 1.2 seconds later, a guy on an R6 bike comes past us at like 140mph, balls to the wall!!! and i am like, goddamn, feels like we are walking. so we speed up to chase.. and suddenly i see the motorcycle SLAM on the brakes, and at the same time I see one of the civics pass some car in the freakin shoulder!! the other civic maintained his lane. AS A STATE TROOPER PULLS OUT!!! thats why mr motorcycle slammed the brakes... but the two civics passed the cop at really like 120 by then. we are doing like 90 to catch up, knowing that cop has something to do now! anywho, we cant keep pace, so we are cruisin along... finally we see the trooper has just pulled one car over! guess we know who LOST that race :o ! so then we go for a street ride on the bmx's, and I break a chain. so i am holding onto this kids hoodie as he pedals to pull me back home. new chain, awesome ride. we hook up with andy again, but hes riding ona flat tire he got casing some stairs.

work work work. phone doesnt work, then it does. lame. get out of work, awesome street ride action. we are crusing downtown, about 6 of us, and we see flashing lights, no big deal. about 20 minutes later we go check out these lights... ever see a billboard truck? it was WEDGED stuck under a building, with all 6 tires blown out, and the roof of the building coming down. a tow truck trried to pull it out with a winch, but the cable SNAPPED!! and so they tried a bigger cable, but then it started tearing the building apart.. so we left, because it got boring, because they had to find a good way to do it. so we are riding back, and MAN we cruised down the 'bar' traffic way... SSO many girls out... and for the ladies here, SOO many guys out... nicec weather, everyone having an awesome time. so we rode home...


what a week! they took some pics on their lil cellphones.. we'll see how they look.

anyone else?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Man. All I did was work, eat, sleep, and train for the 24. Sounds like you had quite the week :D

edit: oh and built my SS :devil:


Aug 27, 2002
Seattle, WA
What's up Rawchesta Homeys!

Draco, they let the air out of the tires to get the thing unstuck. They just had to do that here yesterday, some genius drove a truck full of oversized airplane parts under an overpass...

Speaking of geniuses, I broke my square-taper BB again (#3), so I'll be upgrading to ISIS soon. Found some awesome dirtjumps by my house, slightly-downhill rhythm sized for MTB's, good for about 6' over the tops. Good warmup for A-line at Whistler I hope :)

I'll keep you posted on any cool developments. Mostly I'm relaxing after finishing the racecar season, we placed 5th this year out of 140 teams. Yeah!

Nate at RIT

Oct 8, 2003
bending stuff in the ROC
Damn I leave ROC for the summer, and all sorts of exciting things happen.
Side note: Ever hear that Bill Engvall joke that goes something like this:
Truck gets stuck under an overpass. Officer comes up to the trucker and says "Truck stuck?" Trucker replies with "Nope, just delivering a bridge"


Mar 5, 2003
denny man! awesome job on the car!

they may have let the air out, but that muthatrucker was no goin ANYWHERE. and I mean at all. it was crazy.

another square taper? I think thats the first one I have NOT been there for.. haha..

todaY, nothing good happened. it was a dissapointment, but I did talk to a VERY attractive female at a traffic light. and then, then it figures it was one of andys friends, so like, I apparently already knew her.


Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
draco said:
woman comes into shop. last week she test rodee a bike for 2 HOURS without telling anyone, totally left the shop. we told her if she did it again we'd charge her a rental fee. so she comes back today. she wants to ride a bike. we EXPLCITLY tell her only the parking lot. Guiltyblade follows her for a lap and is like, yeah, shes good. then shes ****ing GONE and we see her like a mile off in the distance, climbing some hill, and im like, WTF.... so our manager gets the bike she dropped off to get worked on, back outside on her car rack. she comes back 20 minutes after the store closes... the manager tells her to get the hell off the bike and get out. she flips... we ask her not to come back.. shes basically stolen it!! crazy.
You guys don't take ID or a credit card for test rides? If someone leaves the parking lot with one of our bikes we jump on the phone and call the cops.


Mar 5, 2003
carbon fetish, a lot of the times we allow customers to spin around in the parking lot. we havent had any real issues. at a shop I worked at before, we HAD to take id because the parking lot was huge with blindspots and they really could just leave.

sebring... yeah, i made a comment about how all of the driving we do is like a death race. but we're not reckless.... really!


Aug 27, 2002
Seattle, WA
Yeah, I really haven't ridden that much in the last year, the racecar project + grad school + Jessica + taking care of her niece Julia while her parents were at war, has been a full load.

But it looks like this summer I'll be spending lots of time in the saddle. I'm thinking of replacing the crown on my fork too, it's aluminum and it's been around since before I broke my first Stinky. It's the only part on my bike that really worries me.