
Bike Related Podcasts


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Anyone listen to these things? I find 'em pretty interesting, it's kind of nice to get audible bike-blabbering while I'm working away in the yard wishing I was elsewhere. Here's my un-biast personal view:

Gear Noise http://www.gearnoise.com
This is the first one I found. The guy that hosts it is named Urza (kinda cool) and he gives a lot of random info, some of it SoCal specific. He recently interviewed some peeps in Flagstaff, which I really dig. He also interviewed the Crank Brothers a while back and that was very interesting conversation. The podcast itself is very concise and highly edited, I wouldn't mind a little more bs'ing but whatever.

MTBcast! http://www.mtbcast.com
I don't remember this dude's name, this one comes from Georgia (I think) and is very similar to Gear Noise in that it's a bunch of random bike news. This one's got a singlespeed frame raffle going if you're interested.

I don't necessarily think one is better than the other, both guys have verry nasal voices so they sound a little funny at first, but you get used to 'em. I think they do a great job on something they provide to the mtn bike community for free. There's some podcast from the UK called Singletrack. This one is very different in that it's less edited and more explicit. Kinda sounds like these guys start drinking, turn on the microphone and just talking to eachother about biking. Those crazy brits...

The last one that I JUST found is a video podcast called Trail Tapes. The first few videos are basically helmet cams with some really bad background music. Eh. The last two actually look like a TV news show; the dude that hosts it looks like douche bag but that doesn't necessarily detract from the program (yeah it does). Seriously, this is good. They've got news, maintenance tips, and yet more helmet cam vids with bad track music. Personally I'd like to see something with the same content but hosted by, and maybe this is cliche, a more hip mountain biker. The guys they have on this are just a little too boring for me. Oh well, maybe we can come up with a RideMonkey version. My last bit of critism is that the camera man sucks. Again, I'm being harsh on a great, free resource for bikers but hey, I'm an ass. Their website is www.trailtapes.com

Anyways, just thought I would give you all the means to do less biking and more sitting in front of your computers. Have at it.