

Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
so here i am jra when I have two cyclists come flying past me going cops cops...i jam the breaks right 5 feet before this 4way stop. I see them around the corner and seeing there was no traffic coming i go again.

$110 fine for failure to stop at a stop sign. I got my bell though so i am not in bad shape. i start talking to the guy and sure enough i am wearing my TRY AMSTERDAM tshirt with bikes ganja stickfigures having sex and magic mushrooms. I want to beat the ticket of course. So when he starts asking me to fix his bike and gains knowledge of my mechanical abilities and time spent in bike shops he wants to know what i knew about stolen bikes and shops selling them i told him about IGORs down on Queen st east. (i didnt know but his store is now queen west)

Sure enough this week in the news igors was charged with over 300 stolen bicycles and this arrest led to another capturing and receiving over 3000 bikes at another location.

sure the cop gave me the ticket anyway but said hed let me off that time. Well it is a month later and usually the courts process tickets by now. maby i got off.

anyway score another bust for the ninja. all it took was me walking into their bike shop once looking for a hub part. they asked me if i had hot bikes for sale and i remembered from one of the shops i worked at from a fellow employee about the situation there. Funny that i didnt remember all these years but when it came to a stupid ticket that i didnt want to pay i remembered clearly.:poster_oops:
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Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Yeah, after having to stop and re-read twice, I gave up.

You are a bike thief with a bell? So you got off?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
You know not the art form that is a drunken ninja post.

Learn it. Love it. Have coitus with it.

It is an artform. Some folks just can't appreciate. I however will be printing and framing this thread. I think I will also put it on a scroll and hide it in a cave for people in the future to enjoy.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
It is an artform. Some folks just can't appreciate. I however will be printing and framing this thread. I think I will also put it on a scroll and hide it in a cave for people in the future to enjoy.
I'm gonna make a schematic out of it...then put it in my lab...

On a side note: Scrolls are under utilized in today's society. If someone disagrees with something you've written, it's much easier to pummel them with a scroll than a paperback 4x6 flimsy brick... Discuss.


Nov 29, 2007
Toronto, Onterrible
synopsis: in Toronto, a downtown ****ty bike shop owner (Igor Kenk) who had been under suspition for years finally got arrested. at his house they found a kilo of weed and over a kilo of crack, i believe. and maybe 3,000 bikes. funny ****: he's married to a concert pianist.

So of course many people on the local Toronto forum have been reporting recovered bikes...a custom USB Molly, Devinci hybrid, etc.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Good work. They should have given you a Jr. Deputy Badge or a ride on a Mounties horse instead of the ticket.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
Good work. They should have given you a Jr. Deputy Badge or a ride on a Mounties horse instead of the ticket.

well i forgot but the officer did draw his gun on me out of the holster and showed me whether the safety switch was on or off. i had been mentioning my previous encounters of people with weapons. i gave a list of names. i hate guns too. for those of you who wanted to know the officer had a walter ppk .38 (james bonds gun)

i guess that is what i got. i probably will have to pay the ticket anyway, unless the original was lost. I wasn't searched though, they cant for some reason when you have a bell and lights for nighttime use. (i had nothing anyhow)

I was turning in all the weed dealers (i was only into the weed but they weren 't)i had that were also hard drug distributers and which carried illegal firearms. I had reported these guys before to crimestoppers but because i didnt claim any rewards for pertinent information they said they didnt pursue them. So now they are busy because i hooked them up. (i told them no depositions they had to do all of the work themselves)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
So you knew the place was stealing bikes and selling them and you never said anything until your ass was on the line?

nah i dont have to pay traffic fines until the day i have to drive. i have been jacked up by the cops about a hundred times in the past few years, it was just the first time i actually had a helpful conversation with one.

as for the bike shop it was small and i had only heard rumors until i went there. i forgot about it until i was asked. i am glad i made the officer promise to do something about them if i told him because nothing had been done about that shop for like at least 8 years. they had to know but i told them they needed a bike that was too good to resist to catch them. i told them to lojack it like they do cars. i know that bicycles can be relocated that way.

as for getting rid of guns on the streets they take a little more precedence. I got one taken away and the guy was sentenced to 8years also this past year. I remember those alot more


Nov 29, 2007
Toronto, Onterrible
So you knew the place was stealing bikes and selling them and you never said anything until your ass was on the line?

Quite a few people have known Igor was peddling stolen bikes...including the police...but they didn't make a move until now.

**** man, I'm in Toronto reading the papers and forums...I know what's going on...and your post STILL makes no sense to me (Drunken_Ninja)

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
What the hell? I'm friggin lost....

Whatever that is, it sounds like publicly admitting to turning in drug dealers and street thieves and providing a physical description of yourself and your immediate area. That sounds real intelligent.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
What the hell? I'm friggin lost....

Whatever that is, it sounds like publicly admitting to turning in drug dealers and street thieves and providing a physical description of yourself and your immediate area. That sounds real intelligent.
The adventures of Drunken_Ninja are real. The mystery and illusion of being a ninja takes a lifetime to unravel. I am not a vigilante hero if that is what you are referring to.

As for people making my monkey life miserable I always manage to get even. The cops actually serve purpose when you know how to use them in order to serve you.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
It is an artform. Some folks just can't appreciate. I however will be printing and framing this thread. I think I will also put it on a scroll and hide it in a cave for people in the future to enjoy.
I am going to interpret his post in cave painting form and have it tatooed on my back.