Hey, all! Hoping you guys can help me. We were robbed Christmas Eve morning. Thief/thieves broke into my husband's car, found his keyring with all his keys on it, found the one that opens the side door of the garage and proceeded to steal 4 bikes and a bunch of stuff from the garage (bike lights, Crank Bro's Joplin seat dropper still in package, etc.) and then drive off with my Nissan Xterra. The Xterra was recovered, but none of the other items stolen have been recovered. Please refer to this link http://www.3fbc.com/blogs/2011/12/stolen-bikes-alert/ for pictures of the bikes stolen as well as a picture of one of the thieves. If you have any information or have seen the bikes or the dude in the picture please call the Mission Viejo Police Department right away (949-770-6011). Thank you in advance for your help!