
Billy Corgan Onion Interview


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
clancy98 said:
yeah i love how everyone hates the pumpkins but that wasn't that case back in the nineties...
I hated them in the 80's.

clancy98 said:
Like Limp Bizkit. Just because fred durst turned into a jerkoff doesn't mean everyone has to jump on the they suck BW when 3$B was a ****ing brilliant album when it came out.
He's a tool and they suck?

clancy98 said:
And as far as Trent Reznor, it takes a true armchair musician to diss that man's catalog. Ego notwithstanding, you're wasting your time trying to be anti and saying he's not at the very least talented at arranging music...
He's got mad computer and drum machine skillz yo.

BTW: I don't have an armchair...



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
stinkyboy said:
Who wants to discuss Skinny Puppy? :evil:
Nah, but I think that in order to clear my head of all this, I am going to start with some Bad Brains, then a little Fugazi, and finally some Manilow for that hard core soft sweater wearin christmas in new england sound. :thumb:


Dec 6, 2004
H8R said:
He's got mad computer and drum machine skillz yo.
So anyone who makes music with a computer sucks? Oooh, the rap community is out then.

Ever heard of Pro Tools? Propellerhead Reason? Its no flying V and a grunge rock distortion pedal, but it'll do....


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
clancy98 said:
So anyone who makes music with a computer sucks? Oooh, the rap community is out then.

Ever heard of Pro Tools?

Where did I say he sucks?

You like to argue in threads just to argue, right?

Tip: have an argument to argue with.

BTW - I've forgotten more about making and performing music than most people will ever learn, so don't ask me dumb questions.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
narlus said:
give me a fostex 4 track, a gtr w/ 4 rusty strings, and an empty bedroom.

voila, the entire discography of Sentridoh.
Are you high? At least make it an old Tascam.



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Westy said:
How about a classic arntonian nibolator. (we are just making crap up here, right??)
Or a Rockwell Retro-Incabulator?

I hate the side fumbling on those things though. It was supposed to not have so much side fumbling.

Maybe a derdel spring upgrade?


Dec 6, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Give him some room. His reading comprehension sucks. :p
but at least my spelling rulz...

Hold on, I'm cutting the sleeves off of all my black t shirts...

Stinkyboy, talkin like that, ya better hit the e-weightroom.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
clancy98 said:
Hold on, I'm cutting the sleeves off of all my black t shirts...
i read a recent interview w/ dave grohl, and at his recording studio/hangout pad, he had throw pillows that his mom made of all his old concert t shirts. i thought that was pretty cool.


Dec 6, 2004
that is pretty badass.. That could potentially be a good market, pillows made out of old t-shirts.... I want a hypercolor pillow...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
narlus said:
i read a recent interview w/ dave grohl, and at his recording studio/hangout pad, he had throw pillows that his mom made of all his old concert t shirts. i thought that was pretty cool.
Way cool pillows. Of course that have to be original shirts aquired at the concert.

Edit: Billy Corgan is still an egomaniac

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
clancy98 said:
well then you're mostly safe, but nookie is one of the more damaging ones

edit: and also not from the three dollar bill CD

What is stange here is that you have an absolute masterpiece album as your avatar, yet you talking up LB for God's sake.
Put it this way, If was driving down the road with an infant in one hand and the holy grail in the other, and "Rollin' Rollin'" came on my radio, I would drop both out of the window just to turn the station.


Dec 6, 2004
Jeremy R said:
What is stange here is that you have an absolute masterpiece album as your avatar, yet you talking up LB for God's sake.
Put it this way, If was driving down the road with an infant in one hand and the holy grail in the other, and "Rollin' Rollin'" came on my radio, I would drop both out of the window just to turn the station.
man, I can not ****ing believe that nobody on this thread has apparently even listened to the damn CD that you are repeatedly knocking. None, thats right, NONE of the songs anyone has listed were on that CD....

here, for god's sake

And you're right, illmatic is a fan ****ing tastic CD, and one of rap's greatest IMO. You think thats an accident that that's my avatar? Believe me, I dont need monkeys (even those that are in a band) to tell me what music is good.

BUT EVERYTHING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A CLASSIC. I know its pretty cool to diss anything anyone says is good on the monkey, and you are all pretty concerned apparently, but

Three Dollar Bill is still a cool CD, but you dont have to like it. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE PLEASE don't bother if can't correctly name a ****ing song off the album? Ignorant.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Typing Three Dollar Bill over and over will not make it sound any better.
I knew Rollin' was not on that CD, but just used it for its sucky factor.
TDB was the one with the HORRIBLE cover of faith on it, and a bunch of other nonsense.
But hey, you like what you like.
These music discussions are just fun anyways, no need to take it serious.
Plus, Maybe a Durst avatar is in your future. ;)


Dec 6, 2004
Jeremy R said:
But hey, you like what you like.
These music discussions are just fun anyways
EXACTLY! Music conversations are fun, as long as people are actually "listening" to the music, instead of just jumping on the monkey.

Props for actually having heard the CD you dissed, now i can respect that.

But you know, on the :monkey:,



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
clancy98 said:
man, I can not ****ing believe that nobody on this thread has apparently even listened to the damn CD that you are repeatedly knocking. None, thats right, NONE of the songs anyone has listed were on that CD....

here, for god's sake
well, it's kinda neat when fred lives out his dream to do kaoraoke as george michael.