
Birthday weekend at Kingdom Trails

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
What a great weekend it was. Our little group of five spent the last four days camping, biking and beering at Kingdom Trails. Aside from Thursday downpours, the weather was beautiful (we weren't planning on riding Thursday anyway). Since you seen a billion KT pics before, I'll try not to bore you with same old trails shots....

We were hungry so we stopped at the Harpoon Brewery on the way up for lunch and beer.

Beer souvenirs!

Beer factory!

When we finally got to East Burke, it was raining so we stopped at the Pub Outback to kill some time. When the rain finally stopped, we set up camp. Our new tent kicks ass.

Thursday night was my birthday party by the campfire. I felt no pain...

Friday was a very nice morning.

Friday morning breakfast at Miss Lyndonville Diner.

A few ride pics of MBC.


I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Cat Box Hill has reopened!


More trail riding.

Turns out Tequila Doug and two of his friends (Veggiegirl!) were camping the same weekend we were! He and his mudhunny friends joined us for beer and pizza Friday night.

A few ride shots from Saturday. MBC on a bridge:

Gratuitous Heaven's Bench pic. (me in my new $7 Garneau jersey...splat is jealous)

Singletrack heading into the woods.

In total, we probably rode for 12 hours and 40 miles over the three days of riding. We got out for a night ride Saturday but none of my pics really came out. We had a blast. Today I am completely exhausted.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
FYI: I drove 4 hours to East Burke just to say happy birthday to you in person, it absoultely had nothing to do with the aweseome trails or great beer & pizza :D


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
no new trails but 1/2 of fence line is new/rerouted (1 1/2 weeks old), several new bridges on the end of whiteschool (I was 1st rider over one of them) and tapNdie is all wore in so thats super fun now.