
black widow bites


Jun 10, 2002
has anyone been bitten before? if so, how long did it take for your swelling to go down...few weeks, or did it last more than a month? what kind of meds did you get?


Jun 14, 2003
Cambria, CA
No meds, they treat it symptomatically unless it's real bad. My foot swelled up for a couple days, it hurt really bad, but that was about it. I'm a big guy so I got off easy; it's worse for children or smaller people, and also depends on how much venom you get.



Jun 10, 2002
quadricolour said:
No meds, they treat it symptomatically unless it's real bad. My foot swelled up for a couple days, it hurt really bad, but that was about it. I'm a big guy so I got off easy; it's worse for children or smaller people, and also depends on how much venom you get.

my dad was bitten by one a couple months ago while on a job, so he says, and looking at his leg, there is a dark area, 1" diameter, with a swollen area about 3" diameter, surrounding it. swelling isn't too bad, but i noticed it. i asked if he had it taken care of and he said "yeah, you know, they gave me some stuff to put on it." like myself, he doesn't really think twice about things. i mean, at another job, he ended up hanging 15' above ground by the band of his watch. all he had to say was "yeah, that watch is about as old as you are."

he hasn't died yet, so i'm mainly just a little concerned about the swelling.


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Most of the infections that get blamed on spider bites are staph infections that are resistant to normal drug treatments, thats why people think they are spider bites. My guess is if you have one and it doesnt get treated you are going to have an oozing sore, kind of like a boil for a couple of months and its going to hurt. Thats assuming that it doesnt spread. Recently there have been some news about the staph spreading in gym classes and particularly wrestling.

dh girlie

I got bitten on the knuckle of my ring finger by a black widow...it was f*cken gross. It hurt like a bitch. My whole hand got all swollen and black and blue and the actual bite developed into a pea sized boil that oozed bloody, green sh!t. It was really painful...so painful I went to the urgent care and they gave me a shot of some antibiotic, and had me double up on the oral antibiotics for 10 days. There were red streaks going up my arm and it felt like my arm was broken, no kidding. It was really gross and painful for about a week and then the skin just dried up...and it took months for the skin to grow back where the ulcer was. I STILL have a purple mark on my knuckle. F'n bitch black widow...he was in my bed!


Dec 6, 2004
yeah my dad had a staph infection, swelled up huge and eventually had to put his arm in a sling. Definitely take care of those.


Jun 10, 2002
dh girlie said:
F'n bitch black widow...he was in my bed!
your bed? oh god. you're the one freaked out by spiders, right? is that why?

his bite, as of now, has no oozing or pus, just a little swollen. there was a little dry skin, though.

dh girlie

the Inbred said:
your bed? oh god. you're the one freaked out by spiders, right? is that why?

his bite, as of now, has no oozing or pus, just a little swollen. there was a little dry skin, though.

Yes...I f'n HATE spiders...with all my might...and I always have. Last night I got home from snowboarding and I went to get in the shower...I turned on the water and I was about to step in and there was a HUGE brown thick bodied spider crawling up onto the water turner on-er thing from my shampoo bottles and stuff...it made for a very uneasy shower...I washed him down the drain with hot water. I didn't want to touch where he walked...BLECH!

And yeah...how gross was that...a black widow in my BED! He bit me while I was asleep. I recall I had been out partying that night and it was around the time I discovered Goldschlager, so I'm hoping he died immediately of alcohol poisoning. It was like 9 years ago and I STILL have a mark on my knuckle!


Jun 10, 2002
well your fear/ dislike of spiders is on par with my fear/ dislike of roaches. ew ew ew ew ew. when they fly, i scream and run like a girl.

dh girlie

the Inbred said:
well your fear/ dislike of spiders is on par with my fear/ dislike of roaches. ew ew ew ew ew. when they fly, i scream and run like a girl.
I have that reaction pretty much to most insects...my older brother used to torment me with bugs and spiders. Roaches are extra nasty. The only bug I've been ok with, is a praying mantis that I can look at from the other side of a window while it sits on my rose plants. He can't 'get' me with a window between us.


Dec 6, 2004
My bedroom used to be in the basement for the last 3 or 4 years in my parents house... that is when I developed my personal paralyzing fear of spiders. There were many incidents but they all added up to no spider love.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Borregokid said:
Recently there have been some news about the staph spreading in gym classes and particularly wrestling.
Yet another reason NOT to join a wrestling team.