


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
for an average-sized hill, what's a good speed to average? i find that to try to maintain a 15 mph average up a hill is pretty tough, and i can't average more than 20mph on flats consistently.

i need to lose some weight and gain some strength.

i realize that 'average-sized hill' is pretty loose terminology.


Oct 17, 2002
rooftest said:
What counts is how much climbing was there?
I'm assuming not too much of a climb if the max speed was 34mph.

I'm not sure if you're saying 20mph is more relevant with climbs or not.

Regardless, 20mph average sustained for 30 minutes is pretty damn good! :thumb:


Oct 17, 2002
narlus said:
for an average-sized hill, what's a good speed to average? i find that to try to maintain a 15 mph average up a hill is pretty tough, and i can't average more than 20mph on flats consistently.

i need to lose some weight and gain some strength.

i realize that 'average-sized hill' is pretty loose terminology.
If you're doing 15mph uphill, you're either a pro or it's not much of a hill. (I hope that didn't sound obnoxious, just sayin')


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
nah, not obnoxious...i live in eastern MA, man, there are no mountains out here!

there's one steep, short hill on my commute where i probably bog down to ~10 mph...it's not long but it's fairly steep. i can routinely go over 40mph down it, and it's a got a good twist in it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Nice work Jackson:thumb:

I worked for the elusive 20 average all summer and could never find it. The valley around here has few big climbs but there is rarely a flat spot. I finally found a relatively flat 16 mile loop one only one major climb. Last month I did my best with a 21.6 mph average on a nice windless day.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
narlus said:
for an average-sized hill, what's a good speed to average? i find that to try to maintain a 15 mph average up a hill is pretty tough, and i can't average more than 20mph on flats consistently.
It really depends on the hill. If it's "a nice gentle uphill grade" then I can avg 15 mph or so. On any real climb, I'm happy if I can stay at 8mph.

On the flats, I'm pretty comfortable at 22-24mph.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
yeah, there's no way i can maintain a 23 mph rate on the flats for any given time, esp w/ any sort of wind.

i need to keep at it!

otoh, i think i did break my 30min commute barrier last night, but the weird thing is taht my HRM watch was a more than a minute under my cycle computer (which should turn off when i'm stopped, so if anything it should be a shorter duration, not longer).


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
jacksonpt said:
It really depends on the hill. If it's "a nice gentle uphill grade" then I can avg 15 mph or so. On any real climb, I'm happy if I can stay at 8mph.

On the flats, I'm pretty comfortable at 22-24mph.
Good job man! :thumb:

I'm with you....depending on the grade, I avg. between 8-10mph on sustained climbs. On the flats I can cruise comfortably around 19-20mph. That being said, because of the topography of where I live, 16mph is a decent avg. speed for me on a ride of 40 miles or more.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
narlus said:
for you geeks who use HRMs, what is yr average rate as a % of yr max on rides like this?
this is probably the only context in which this statement will ever be true, but... I'm not a geek, sorry.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
McGRP01 said:
Good job man! :thumb:

I'm with you....depending on the grade, I avg. between 8-10mph on sustained climbs. On the flats I can cruise comfortably around 19-20mph. That being said, because of the topography of where I live, 16mph is a decent avg. speed for me on a ride of 40 miles or more.
Yea - I'm usually pretty happy if I can average 16-17mph on a "typical" ride.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
LordOpie said:
If you're doing 15mph uphill, you're either a pro or it's not much of a hill. (I hope that didn't sound obnoxious, just sayin')
Not all of us live in CO. Around here faster than 15 mph is fairly common with the faster guys. They scare me :help:

Anyhow, great job on sustaining 20 mph. Now get out and climb some :)

The Ito