
Bleeding Sram guide brakes with the shimano cup method?


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Old guides with two threaded ports or newer guides with bleeding edge port on the caliper?


Bleeding Edge:

I'll occasionally be lazy and just hook up a syringe to the lever, similar to a quick cup bleed. But that's just for checking for air in my very old Elixir levers on one bike.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Kind of remembered this thread.. my girlfriends Codes have always felt too squishy, even after a fresh bleed. Very long lever throw and that coupled with her small hands (and levers dialed in closer to the bar), ends up with them being much too close to the bar under braking.

I bled them again, but this time just didn't bother following srams instructions. Hooked up the syringes and went to town sucking and pulling. Ending up closing the lever side first and then pushed in a little more fluid through the bleeding edge port, ever so slightly pushing the pistons in and closed the system like that. So much more solid feeling.

Hopefully they don't explode.

The bleeding edge port is actually pretty nice, almost zero chance of fluid leakage, so you can bleed the brakes with the pads in. I suspect the squishy feeling is coming from the Sram bleed block being too wide?