
blocking websites


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
I have a brother with special needs and he is always on the computer. We dont have a network in my house just individual computers on a wireless router. He uses windows xp. He recently found youtube which should be fine, he watches old cartoons and disney shows and the likes. He now has started to click the side bars and is watching some of youtubes "better" content of sesame street getting shot up or stripper girls. I tried blocking it by using this link http://www.firefoxanswer.com/firefox/93-firefox-2.html but he has it back now. What is the easiest way to block youtube all together?


I come bearing GIFs
May 10, 2005
Copy and pasted. This should work regardless of browser.


I have been having a lot of problems with my computer due to my teenagers accessing web sites that they should not be accessing. Despite my efforts of educating them on the viral consequences, they continue to follow their peers to these scumware infested sites. Is there a way to stop Internet Explorer from accessing certain sites?


Yes, if you know which ones they are accessing, it is a pretty simple task. You can use the Windows 'Hosts' file to accomplish this, here's how:

In Windows XP, the hosts file is found here:


Once you have found the hosts file, right click it and select Properties. Uncheck the "Read-Only" attribute (if checked). Click OK.

Double click the 'Hosts' file and select "Notepad" from the list of programs to open it with.

Once you have the hosts file open in Notepad, you will see an entry such as: localhost

To block a certain web page from loading, add the following: www.webpage.com

Your Hosts file will now look like this: localhost www.webpage.com

Add as many web addresses as you like in the same fashion.

Once you are finished, go up to 'File' and click 'Save'.

The web pages listed in your 'Hosts' file should be blocked from access. It may be necessary for you to reboot your computer for these changes to take effect.