
>>> Blub thoisday <<<


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Back to the Green Tunnel this morning. 54 miles to Harper’s Ferry. :banana:
Apparently a kid from my high school is also hiking it this year. His name is Josh. Say “hi josh” if you see him.

No mention of garage doors this morning. 2/10 would not post. One of our contractors was here until 715 last night. I brought him a soda as I felt so bad.

Woke up with a headache, I suspect it is from my wife’s constant snoring and tossing and turning, as I felt the same yesterday. No ride this morning but maybe I can pull off a swim or basement spin later.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, fellow hellraisers and shitkickers, lmfao! Wife keeps making me get up at 5:00 despite my willingness to ignore the alarm and stay in bed. So, I got a 7 mile run done on the high school track in tropical humidity. I think I am fully acclimated to that bullshit because my run paces are no longer affected by the awfulness.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Work. Haley had her 12yr appt yesterday. 95th percentile for height (5'4.75") and 53rd percentile for weight. That does explain why she is a rail.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Ruths flight from Frankfort Germany to San Francisco is now over Greenland. Me I'm finishing loading up the camper to go work a horse show Friday thru Sunday. Supposed to hit 109F today then drop back into the 90s for the weekend

not looking forward to working in this heat

Better finish my espresso


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Tornado warning just north of us last night...had friends in the area camping but all were fine. Got hammered with rain overnight, but not nearly the wreckage that VT is experiencing. Today I will clean the garage and prep some food for Sydney's Graduation Party (tomorrow).


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

WFH day, weather dropped to 90's and it almost feels cold. Portland isn't supposed to get to triple digits, that's not right. Got invited to Lil Mans birthday dinner at Chinese Buffet, yay! The wife isn't as excited as I am for some reason.
Jun 24, 2024
Hola Changos,

Had to take McKenzie to the vet, she has been sleeping most of the day and started noticing a limp on her back leg and hasn't been eating much, yesterday got a call from the wife that she wasn't able to put weight on it. I was worried because a couple of months back she had two tumors taken out from her abdomen and I was worried that she had cancer in her leg because the vet mentioned that it was a possibility that it could develop in the future when I picked her up from the surgery, turns out that is arthritis.

Not the best trail dog but I love her.



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Just saw that Thermopolis Wyoming is forecast to be 100F for the next 4 days. :panic:
Put your pinky finger in the air and keep on rolling, final destination, Tensleep.

Picking up Uhaul today. Finally I can start loading my wife and kids shit into the van and get this party started.

Serial run-away 13yr old keeps stealing cars and driving them to my neighbors house. My neighbor was nice to the kid once and now he keeps coming back. Take his keys and call the sheriff! Last vehicle he stole, he crawled through a doggie door into someones kitchen while whole family was sleeping... kiddo isn't going to have a long/fun/fulfilling life at this rate.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Walked up to the Norton Brook dam, inspected and took pictures as requested by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Resources, Water Investment Division Dam Safety Program. Yes, folks, the dam's still there and ain't about to take out roads.
given the storm I find their concern understandable.
given the storm I find their concern understandable.
Due to certain actions I may have taken more than a decade ago, the dam's only fed by perhaps 10% of the acreage when it provided water to Vergennes prior to 1975. Something like boulders and bags of concrete that somehow fell into an 18" feed conduit. The inspectors know it, but, being a larger institution, internal communications seem to work less than ideally.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I just got forwarded an email with a complaint to my former management by one of my old client boards. It called out their inability to fulfill the expected levels of service and advisor capability since I left - specifically naming me. If they leave at the end of contract, it will cost well over $100k of revenues and the loss of one of our longest-term, most prominent clients in the metro area. I'm easy. I probably would have stayed for $10k. Fucking stupid.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I just got forwarded an email with a complaint to my former management by one of my old client boards. It called out their inability to fulfill the expected levels of service and advisor capability since I left - specifically naming me. If they leave at the end of contract, it will cost well over $100k of revenues and the loss of one of our longest-term, most prominent clients in the metro area. I'm easy. I probably would have stayed for $10k. Fucking stupid.
penny wise but pound foolish. you're about to get a TPS report.