
Blue Knob Reults !!!!


Jul 12, 2005
Leesburg, VA
Here are the results from the PA State Championships held at Blue Knob on 7/10/05.

I received these results from Mike Hartlove this morning. Don't hold me to any of the content for corrected times (some controversy over this issue). :nope:

What you see is what I received.

The *.zip file contains an Excel spreadsheet. You will need to have Microsoft Excel in order to read the file.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!



Jul 12, 2005
Leesburg, VA
There was a little bit of controversy(discussion) going on regarding the final run times in the Virginia & Surrounding Areas forum in a thread entitled "Blue Knob Registration".

Someone stated thart all of the final run times were off by a full minute due to the mis-calculation of 'ghost riders' (no shows). The person posting this information said that all of the finish times needed to have 1 minute added to take these riders into account.

One of the post's (in that same thread) had a photograph of the Semi-Pro/Expert results page with a note in the upper right hand corner stating that 1 minute needed to be added to the riders whose names were followed by an *asterisk.

As I stated in my original posting of these results, I know nothing about this adjustment or the validity of the forum member's claims. The member also stated that an announcement had been made approximately 1 hour after the results were posted.

I can attest to not hearing any such announcement being made at any time following the posting of the results. Unless I missed something that was happening in front of the Racer's Edge trailer that was not made apparrent to all in attendance, I was the last one to leave the parking lot that evening and NEVER heard any such announcement.

Make what you will of the statements of this forum member, but always remember "Don't SHOOT ME, I'm just the messenger !" :confused:

For complete verification, you may want to contact Mike Hartlove at Racer's Edge.

Sorry if this ruffled anyone's feather's !!


Jul 12, 2005
Leesburg, VA
Sorry about the confusion !!

As far as the whole "12:02:04 AM" thing, I can only assume that the software used for the timing system creates a baseline timestamp of 12:00:00AM for each of the categories, as all of the run times relative to this time seem to be correct.

Of course this is only a theory based on the data presented.

'Ain't that a kick in the *&#@.'



Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Really no controversy at all, and no feathers ruffled, although you sure tried hard to do so. there was never to my knowledge an announcement made, and yes I went back and looked at my original post just to be sure how I stated the facts as conveyed to me by my friends who hosted this kick ass event. and asterisks never entered into it although there were x's behind all of the names on the pro results. I was told at the event that everyones, yes everyones time was off by one minute.
The way I see it if you are happy with your run then great, if not , then go faster next time, end of story , move on. aight
Later Eric( aka, the forum member who makes claims)
Yo Mike( yellowrake) or Todd( karpieldisco) , Ya'll timed this thing , ya wanna jump in here and clear things up for these dudes.


Jul 12, 2005
Leesburg, VA
REALLY, I never wanted to make any waves or cause people to think that I was in any way unhappy with the event or the final results.

All I wanted to do was post some results for people and friends to have for their records. GEEEEZ!!!

I was VERY happy with my ride, and had a FANTASTIC time at this event!!!

Let's let this go !!!!! :drool:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
DHZombie said:
REALLY, I never wanted to make any waves or cause people to think that I was in any way unhappy with the event or the final results.

All I wanted to do was post some results for people and friends to have for their records. GEEEEZ!!!

I was VERY happy with my ride, and had a FANTASTIC time at this event!!!

Let's let this go !!!!! :drool:

I don't get it. Who is making a big deal?

I had a good time too, even through I crashed hard in my race run. What are we letting go?


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
Mike you weren't bleeding after your run,that's a plus. that's kinda a big deal for you, everytime we ride together you seem to bleed..........lol.
I'm sure the correct results will be up on the RE. site when they have them all figured out, they posted the Massenutten results, so I'm sure they'll get around to it.
DHZombie, no one is accusing you of belittleing the event, you called me out so I had to defend my coments that's all. just passing on the knoledge that I was given about the times, so relax aight, you'll give your self a heart attact, that's why we ride right, to chill.
OK Peace. and Mike I'm just bustin your balls, but you do bleed alot.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
E.C. said:
Mike you weren't bleeding after your run,that's a plus. that's kinda a big deal for you, everytime we ride together you seem to bleed..........lol.
OK Peace. and Mike I'm just bustin your balls, but you do bleed alot.

You are right, I wasnt bleeding, but my leg is STILL bruised. And my head hurt the rest of the day.

And anyway, I bleed on purpose. It gets rid of all the bad blood so my body can make newer, better blood :)