
Blur v's Mountain Cycle SLiX

Apr 8, 2003
kangaroo land.
I'm look at either one of these for a new trail/xc racing bike.
I already have an AC2 which i dont really use for it's intended purpose that often and find it far too heavy and a bit of a chore for xc racing, which i'm doing lots of. The AC will be sold off help fund the new purchase as i cant afford 2 mountain bikes.
I've read lots of reviews on the Blur but haven't found any reviews on the SLiX. Does Anyone on the forum own one,ridden one?, point me in the direction of some reviews?

I'm 95kgs so the design of the M.C from their ads suggests it can take some light freeride, while still being light enough to race on. Can the blur handle the odd drop and jump from someone my weight. Are there any realistic limitations of the blur from owners on the forum?

There are other bikes on the shortlist all around the same price(heckler,locomoto,VT) but the above two seem to be the most appropriate to my needs and budget at the moment. In other words i cant afford a 5.5, spider, Foes FXR,I.D,Truth etc,etc

Any help is appreciated.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
I wouldn't think the Blur could handle any droppin whatsoever. When I was looking at getting a new XC bike, last month. I did some reading on the Blur and it seems they were having some problems with the seat tube cracking, and the lnk exploding. So unless these problems have been fixed, I would say no to droppin on it.

Hell, i'd just save up some more and get a Spider!


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
Any help is appreciated.
The SLiX is relatively new. I shy away from new technology for at least a year. MFG's work out the bugs by then.

The blur is a good rig. If you want to mix it up and do a little more dropping, there's tons to choose from. Intense is nothing more than a Replication company. They use other's idea's and rebuild/design them. That's okay, and I'm sure their quality is okay, but expensive.

Blur's are expensive, but pedal well. They've got great review's because they've become a fantastice bike. SC can barely stockem.

Buy the latest MTB Action or MTB Magazine. They've got a new buyers guide in each. that may help.