
bmw porn


Apr 16, 2004
Ive still got it. As we are importing them this year i didnt see the point in selling it, it makes for a good demo bike. BTW man, i think we have a delamere trip scheduled in for a couple of weeks time.

mike425 said:
Ive still got it. As we are importing them this year i didnt see the point in selling it, it makes for a good demo bike. BTW man, i think we have a delamere trip scheduled in for a couple of weeks time.


Ok mate, cool. Drop me a PM on here if anything becomes more conrete, i'l see if i can get across for some riding :)


Jun 20, 2004
San Diego
xy9ine said:
holy ebay action - this tmx sold yesterday for $2200 - awesome deal!

You can see this one ripping it up at Big Bear in about a week. My friend Steve bought it for his youngest boy, Ryan. Steve, Conner and Ryan all are moto maniacs at Elsinore motocross park on weekdays and as of late, BB on weekends.

Me.. I'm old and slow with a big wide grin.

Mar 3, 2004
joel hester said:
My M1 was 50lbs, my Super 8 was 54lbs and the TMX = 59.9 lbs!! I someday want a low 40 lb bike. That would be nice!

Am I the only one amazed at the face that you got an M1 to weight 50lbs?

Would anyone care to lend me their TMX/Race Link? LOL I need to ride something (my crank spline is a bit buggered and the closest time to now I can get a new crank is 6-8 weeks ARGHHHH)!

I'd like to ride a bicyle, I'd like to ride a bike, I'd like to ride it where I like. Infact I'd like a bike.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Duzitall said:
You can see this one ripping it up at Big Bear in about a week. My friend Steve bought it for his youngest boy, Ryan. Steve, Conner and Ryan all are moto maniacs at Elsinore motocross park on weekdays and as of late, BB on weekends.

Me.. I'm old and slow with a big wide grin.

sweet moto-deliciousness. no riding style adjustments necessary as the bike performs best if handled like a dirt bike. hopefully the bike won't be overkill for big bear. (i can almost hear a scolding from macmx coming my way now.)

probably already in motion, but just in case...duzitall, you'll make sure they're having that shock re-valved for ryan, right? mucho importante for safety reasons (as well as the obvious...performance.)


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Horrendous Hack said:
Am I the only one amazed at the face that you got an M1 to weight 50lbs?

Would anyone care to lend me their TMX/Race Link? LOL I need to ride something (my crank spline is a bit buggered and the closest time to now I can get a new crank is 6-8 weeks ARGHHHH)!

I'd like to ride a bicyle, I'd like to ride a bike, I'd like to ride it where I like. Infact I'd like a bike.
fun poem tremendous. maybe the extra weight on joel's m1 was that extra foot he had going on back then. that thing had to weigh a good 9 pounds.


Dec 28, 2003
tmx said:
(i can almost hear a scolding from macmx coming my way now.)
Nono, don't worry. I'm not mad that the americans are complaining about having huge mountains and lifts when I'm stuck here with hills no higher than one of Micheal Jackson's merry-go-rounds... :nopity:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
damn! i cant help it if i have a pretty foot ... pretty heavy that is! Check out that seat. how gay! My M1 and first DH bike which I got to enjoy for 2 months of street riding and two practice runs before my crash. Sold the bike shorty thereafter on the very same day i listed it for sale on mtbreview. some dude in soCal.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
macmx said:
Nono, don't worry. I'm not mad that the americans are complaining about having huge mountains and lifts when I'm stuck here with hills no higher than one of Micheal Jackson's merry-go-rounds... :nopity:
how you could work the kook of pop into the subject is almost disturbing. but i am enjoying the image of him moonwalking on a sdg big boy while downhilling.

i wasn't complaining about big mountains with lift access. it's a bigass bike made for burley technical steep trails. which isn't exactly how most would describe big bear. i've ridden my Tster there a couple times and had a great time.

speaking of double jumps :rolleyes: i saw footage of me on one of those doubles i was taking at mtn creek and i must confess, i truly suck. sure i cleared it, while looking like a cat with a broken back and no tail. much work to be done. (i could have sworn i was laying it flat and looking back and giving raditude and.........sigh.)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
xy9ine said:
crap sb, what did you do to warrant those kind of charges? vehicular manslaughter?

I was found guilty of speeding in the state of Virginia for the third time in 4 years. In the lovely state of Virginia, that puts you in jail and normally gets your license suspended for 6 months. I LOVE this state. :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
ok so i'm not as out of the loop as I thought. :D:D

That TMX gets around doesnt she??? :p :D

#77 rocks. I want her back to keep the FQ company while i'm at work. :p


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
heh, I just realized 77 is in england now. Dang. That's such a odd feeling. She's closer to my family than she is to me now :) :p

Hey Mike, congrats on her yeeee boy!!!!!! Make sure you take her down flights of stairs she loves that :)


Apr 16, 2004
Yep, shes is in good ol' blighty now. lol. Im almost finished buildin it now, just need to put the chains on, im quite surprised at weight, id guess about 50. I keep goin in the garage just for one last look :D . Cant weight to ride her, first ride is hopefully on saturday, and should get some pics from there.



Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
i was going to take er easy for a while after my last couple crashes, especially the one that broke my collarbone. Mike425 and I were PMing back and fourth and one thing lead to another and the frameset was sold. I was kinda suprised that it was gone so fast, I feel like I just got the bike built. Hell my first pictures of the bike are somewhere in this thread.

When my Monster T came back, i was sad the bike was sold - damn that looked good. Now that I am healed up mentally and physically and the $$ is burning a hole in my pocket, I have another dream bike in the oven. I just built up my brother a V10 so i have to have a bike to go ride with him right?

I swear i am not selling this next bike (yeah right). I have got to grow up and get a house, wife and other stuff.

Later yall. Mike425, i know #77 is in good hands!



Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
@mike425 or whatever...

get rid of that cow seat from fizik its just not meant to be on a bike which will be used for real :)
i should know i had two of em

a question for everybody in here. does the british distributor for BMW have a website?
yes i am a lazy bastard and won't read through the whole thread again, please help me!



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
UiUiUiUi said:
@mike425 or whatever...

get rid of that cow seat from fizik its just not meant to be on a bike which will be used for real :)
i should know i had two of em

a question for everybody in here. does the british distributor for BMW have a website?
yes i am a lazy bastard and won't read through the whole thread again, please help me!

uiui or whatever...
don't know of a site, but here's his email: gedthehead@aol.com name is ged, he's a super nice guy.

is it my imagination or are you fixated with other people's saddles? it's his butt, he can run lazy-boy or a razor blade if he wants. :thumb:


Apr 16, 2004
Ill have you know i love that seat! I think its well cool, but im used to getting slated for using it, apparently im a tart. lol. AR, will deffo be up delamere way soon, what a coincidence, ive been wanting to ride a racelink ;) I will drop you a line when im next up that way.

Mar 3, 2004
mike425 said:
Ill have you know i love that seat! I think its well cool, but im used to getting slated for using it, apparently im a tart. lol. AR, will deffo be up delamere way soon, what a coincidence, ive been wanting to ride a racelink ;) I will drop you a line when im next up that way.

What a coincidence I've been wanting to ride a BMW...
(Ok Ok so I have ridden one, but that was at the bike show (wasn't exactly riding. At Ged the Heads stand). I've like everything BMW apart from a frame, lol.

Geds a good guy but what he charges is silly...

The bike is looking mighty fine Mike, good work. I vote no to the seat but it is your taste :) We want riding pics.

Sigh, I have been working on this crank with a file for like... 12 hours now (soooo desperate to ride). Help me... :help:


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Kinda funny, huh. Oggy's hardcore. 2nd in UK 4X this year and denied a trip to the Worlds on the UK team. I fink ;) it's because British Cycling doesn't like that Ogs tells it like it is with an extra dose of grizzle for them to chew on.