
bmw porn


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
joel hester said:
tmx, does bmw ever have an open house type thing for their customers?? I'd be down for flying up if they had somehting like that. ride the city and head to pk afterward. maybe next summer.


i cant wait for yall to see me!
we can have the warm-up at bklyn, get toasty at plattekill then blaze a caravan trail across the continent to whistler hitting some dh and mx races along the way.
Well it was only a random idea, but if everyones genuinley up for it?

Still can't get across the pond, although i've just made a random £70 from not much :S

Anyhow, maybe with this new found fund my dream of meeting you all (ahem) may become a reality :D


Dec 28, 2003
Whistler sounded like a great idea, until I realized that everyone in this thread is going to know, that I can't really ride a bicycle...
Sep 21, 2004
Hey I was only messing, because I'm; Currently Bored....

So sorry guys, I hit the (****e) joke upon someone lacking a soh...

My bad?


Dec 28, 2003
Jeg har det skam fint. Jeg går her og drømmer om at køre cykel med dig i Whistler. Det kunne være kanon. Det er min fars fødselsdag idag. Jeg skal være lang tid i skole. Hvordan går det dig? Skriver du snart tilbage på min mail?

Try and figure out what THAT means.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2003
South East Asia
macmx said:
Jeg har det skam fint. Jeg går her og drømmer om at køre cykel med dig i Whistler. Det kunne være kanon. Det er min fars fødselsdag idag. Jeg skal være lang tid i skole. Hvordan går det dig? Skriver du snart tilbage på min mail?

Try and figure out what THAT means.
Oh no, - why are you bothering these nice people with this horrific language :D
Mar 3, 2004
macmx said:
Jeg har det skam fint. Jeg går her og drømmer om at køre cykel med dig i Whistler. Det kunne være kanon. Det er min fars fødselsdag idag. Jeg skal være lang tid i skole. Hvordan går det dig? Skriver du snart tilbage på min mail?

Try and figure out what THAT means.

Don't make me start writing in binary.

If a limited amount of race links were going to be made chances are I couldn't get hold of a new one no? :dead:

In other news: Brooklyn would be a brilliant place to meet for everyone (not including myself yet), ride some of the city- big stair gaps etc :D
The PK idea could be risky, that is where both of the TMX/Racelinks (the only that have ever broke) got bashed.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
macmx said:
I'm fine disgrace a great time. I goes here and dreams about that køre cykel along with dig in Whistler. Facts be able be feel canon. It is the mine fatherhood birthdate idag. I do be about be feel high interval in school. How goes facts dig? Draw up you almost was adoring at mine am not sending?
i feel your pain.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
wait... thought it was norwegian... how bout danish:

I've that you know i'm pretty well. I goes here and dreams about that cart bicycle by yourself to Whistler. That could være canon. It is my fars birthdate today. I shall være tall age to break in. How goes that yourself? Writing you nearly back at my mail?

makes a bit more sense...


Aug 4, 2004
Horrendous Hack said:

The PK idea could be risky, that is where both of the TMX/Racelinks (the only that have ever broke) got bashed.
Broke from crashing or just riding? I thought i've heard of a few broke from crashes. (which doesnt really count)
Horrendous Hack said:

Don't make me start writing in binary.

If a limited amount of race links were going to be made chances are I couldn't get hold of a new one no? :dead:

In other news: Brooklyn would be a brilliant place to meet for everyone (not including myself yet), ride some of the city- big stair gaps etc :D
The PK idea could be risky, that is where both of the TMX/Racelinks (the only that have ever broke) got bashed.
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Sep 21, 2004
Hey guys, would you say Brooklyns are as aesthetically pleasing as alu DH bikes?/ Ie Brooklyns straight tubes in comparison to a nice smooth alu monocoque..

Fecking ought to be for the price!!!


Apr 16, 2004
Ive owned all sorts, Giants, Tomac, PDC, Norco. And brooklyns are way better looking, theres just somethin about them, they look like they mean buisness! If you no what i mean. Failing that ive always prefered straight steel tubing anyway

IMHO, there isnt a sleeker nicer looking bike on the market. Why do you think we all went and brought one? ;) Oh, other than functionality, 'cos looks gotta come in somewhere.

My racelink on night rides with the de-stickered 888s just looks plain MEAN.
Sep 23, 2004
Cool, cheers guys.... I was just interested.... I've never seen a Brooklyn in person... Although I always go for steel with hardtails.... Cleaner lines, smoother ride etc....
Sep 23, 2004
Nope I dont have a mind of my own AR thats why my mummy always comes clothes shopping with me..... She also choses what I eat, say, laugh at, like etc ...... She even wipes my arse for me too.. Thats how unindependant I am......

Disclaimer: May find traces of sarcasm..
Sep 23, 2004
On a serious note, I've never seen any of the top DH bikes in person, so I haven't a clue! All I can go by is pics..

So sorry AR .... *sobs*


Dec 28, 2003
All the bikes, in my opinion, are sweet looking. The Racelink looks so damn fast. The Big Link is the same, but with a motocrossy touch. And the TMX, well... .... it's a classic. There's no other way to say it.

Even the Masterplan and the Supertrucker both have their charme.

Isn't it funny - I've encountered lots of people who don't like the Racelink, but I've never met anyone who didn't like the FQ. It's like, as soon as it's a bike that which competes with a persons favorite bike (Foes, Canfield etc etc) they don't like it. But the FQ which has no comparison, no one dislikes. Weird. Even though I love BMW so much, i still think that other bikes can look totally sweet, and probably ride really well too.