
bmw porn


Sep 28, 2004
AR; some of the welds I've seen via picture look like big, inconsistant, nasty blobs instead of smooth, consistant beads. Just what I've seen via PICTURES though.


Aug 20, 2003
The best place Fo Sho
hey peeeps, been reading lots of ya posts and mind me coming in on the clifcat issue. JUst to say bill is a cool guy bu ti think he has a lot on his hands meaning he's a 1 man guy behind CLIFCAT. Give him credit for that but the frames aren't too sturdy on my part. I've had 2 friend's of mine break their clifcat tankasses(1 CHROMOLY/1 ALUMINUM. 1 guy on 2 broken frames and not even going big. I'd say he doesn't have lots of time b/c he's a 1 man business guy. The Holeshot rides very nice i can say.

Enough of that, I'm getting a FQ this saturday from a friend and it's the sweetest deal of the year for me. I still have that BMW orange cruiser for sale($400)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
TankerX said:
Enough of that, I'm getting a FQ this saturday from a friend and it's the sweetest deal of the year for me. I still have that BMW orange cruiser for sale($400)
Welcome to the bmw fold. post some pics when you can!



Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
tmx said:
knuckleslammer, this buds for you!

HOLY! Knuckle that frameset is soo sweet. That is soo stealth. I have been staring at it too long - i need to go wash clothes. I love the black chainwheels and link.

Sweet. Stop staring!



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
**edit edit edit**

Tanker, you silly bean head, you're standing up for kindly Bill but then you bag his frames with notes of defects. I'm totally down for defense of the Catster, but you may have dug him a deeper hole in the process. I'm a big fan of the "edit" option. wink wink. (Also sick with jealousy you're getting a mini. SICK!!!)

It's midnight....still at the increasingly crapass office but heading out now. A portion of the "British Invasion" is gathering just a mere seven minute pedal away, surely in a drunken stupor by now. Should I go crash their party?! Though I'd be showing up on a C'dale XC bike, might be in my better interest to steer clear given how some die-hard Brooklyn fans can be.

For the record, I love that Cannondale Beast of the East. I am not ashamed. And this is not just the *few* cans of Ballentine Ale talking (that we've been consuming in the office while pasting labels onto postcards looooooong after normal business hours). That settles it! I'm invading the Invasion. Wish me luck. Will try to get pics to share tomoz.

Love you guys, kiss kiss.

T-bubbles signing off.


Dec 28, 2003
Knucks - You are soo lucky. That color scheme is sooooo badass! I am bursting with jealousy and at the same time an uncontrolable urge to congratulate! Sweet! You gotta come to Denmark and ride or something so I can try that thing!

My Mini is asking if she can marry your Mini. She says she will send you some nude pictures. What does yours say to that proposition?


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
whoa, who logged on as me and wrote that ridiculous post?

mac, will the mini's have babies, making them macros? ohmygod, that'd be so cute if brooklyn made macros. a pit bike sized full-suspension. LOL!


Sep 28, 2004
I like the way the spring matches the decals. Do you have to get the spring custom painted or do Avy do it? I though Avy springs only came in black (except the Ti one, obviously).


took the red pill
Can you believe that bike is still in the box in the garage unopened? I actually looked on here first to see it, lol. My buddy died last night in his sleep. He got hooked on H, went over to methodone and various anti-psychotics and basically choked on his own vomit. So I haven't been on here guys. I'll get some pics up later. Ima drink a couple beers and take a couple hits off the bong. I'm in shock right now. Thanks TMX baby for throwin them up. I was hoping for white graphics, but my wife likes red and maybee it'll grow on me. As for whether I'll ride it, phuck yeah I will. Right, I have gone through a couple bikes since I started 3 years ago. I guess the rumor started about me not riding caus I don't really ride with anybody. I have what's called social anxiety disorder. I'm not lying either. I get panic attacks sometimes when pressured. Riding with folks puts pressure on me as I know I'll have to keep up to them, so a lot of times I've bailed on rides. I do ride with people, it's just that sometimes the anxiety is bad, other times it's not. I've ridden with Splat a bunch of times. Was gonna ride with MMCG and Babs once, but got rained out. Yeah, I've had a few bikes. I think people get jealous too, caus I build nice bikes. I also phucking rot in an office 40 hours a week at a job I don't really like so building nice bikes makes it worth it. Why bag on somebody who has something nice? Everybody has the ability to work and save money. Hell, I'm in the hole, I'll have to wait 2 months to put brakes on this one, if I don't rip them off my hard tail. So basically I have to have things the exact way I want them. With bikes, when I envision building a bike, I envision the components it will have and how it will ride. I wanted a hardtail, a xc type bike and a sick do it all kinda bike. If a bike doesn't come out like I want it ride wise, I'll get rid of it. I had a stinky 9 I never used, it was a mistake buying it as I was watching too many Bender vidoes when I got into MTB. Reality set in and I diddn't use it. I got rid of my Gemeni as I diddn't like the way it bobbed on trails. I got rid of my last hollowpoint as as soon as I bought it, I saw that the IH HP MTX was coming out.
I've had my hardtail Gack for 2 years now.
I have my MTX dialed in the way I like and it rides perfect
The FQ, well, we'll have to see how it rides and stuff. If I don't like it, I'll get rid of it. It's as simple as that.
I don't freak out about wasting money like some people. I don't give a sheit, really. Money is a tool to buy stuff to occupy your mind and feed hobbies, not
to freak out about. I just can't understand jealousy. It's counterproductive. This is the USA. Anything is possible, nothing is free. I work, I buy nice bikes, that's all I'm gonna say. Thanks TMX for the emotional support PM and the pics, and thanks to the rest for the compliments on the bike. Full pics to be up later hopefully. Frame pics (lots and lots and lots, and build pics, once it's done)



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Right on and ride on big K. So very sorry again about your friend. Hang in there.

Your candor about the social anxiety disorder is amazing. I go through similar panics when riding with others, I wonder if I have it too. Improved some over the last couple years, I think racing helped a little. But last w/e at Plattekill I had a battle with it that compared to how bad it was a few years back. (Though I'm going through some lame life crap that probably nudged the panic back into the scene.) That would be kinda cool if we ever got to ride together and it had the opposite effect so that we tore it up better than we'd ever ridden in our lives. (Good grief that sounds like a Disney movie.)

Inhale deeply, exhale completely. Ohmmmm.....All the best to you Knucks.

edit: In honor of the absolutely blissful day riding with my mechanic Saturday, I should clarify the intense fear didn't show til Sunday when there were more people around. Interesting... a milestone followed by a substantial set back. Fortunately my groove-recovery session was one of my quickest. Back on it by half the first solo run. (Ever use RM as therapy?)


took the red pill
tmx said:
Right on and ride on big K. So very sorry again about your friend. Hang in there.

Your candor about the social anxiety disorder is amazing. I go through similar panics when riding with others, I wonder if I have it too. Improved some over the last couple years, I think racing helped a little. But last w/e at Plattekill I had a battle with it that compared to how bad it was a few years back. (Though I'm going through some lame life crap that probably nudged the panic back into the scene.) That would be kinda cool if we ever got to ride together and it had the opposite effect so that we tore it up better than we'd ever ridden in our lives. (Good grief that sounds like a Disney movie.)

Inhale deeply, exhale completely. Ohmmmm.....All the best to you Knucks.
Well I like to get things out in the open. It's anxiety, not a stroke or anything, but some people think your gonna die when you have a panic attack. It always passes and it hasn't killed me yet. I prefer to just tell people about it, then it's out in the open and everyone knows what's up. It's all fear based. So I'm working on coping with my fears. It's messed up. What's to be anxious about when meeting a bunch of cool people to ride with? Makes no sense. It wont prevent me from riding with people, it can't, otherwise I've lost. So if it happens, I deal with it, and it passes. I smell a BMW festival sometime next Spring/Summer don't I?
BMW festival? Hell yeah.

God if only world wide travel wans't so damn expensive, we have to meet up. It's like the law. Can't really imagine us all meeting up though, would be a right mish mash of characters, with our BMWs as our instand common ground... Be a laugh though thats for sure!


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
AR, I was thinking about that post you wrote the other day, about being only 16 and selling everything you owned to get the bike....I'm trying to recall any possesion I might have had at 16 that came anywhere close to more than 50 dollars. And that couldn't have been more than three things. My bike, my stereo and my skiis. (Granted that was 80,000 years ago...) You must have sold your families possessions too! So, now all you have to do is sell your neighbors goods to get the airfare here.

Festival sounds so...festive. Kinda corny, but I like.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Knuckleslammer said:
Well I like to get things out in the open. It's anxiety, not a stroke or anything, but some people think your gonna die when you have a panic attack. It always passes and it hasn't killed me yet. I prefer to just tell people about it, then it's out in the open and everyone knows what's up. It's all fear based. So I'm working on coping with my fears. It's messed up. What's to be anxious about when meeting a bunch of cool people to ride with? Makes no sense. It wont prevent me from riding with people, it can't, otherwise I've lost. So if it happens, I deal with it, and it passes. I smell a BMW festival sometime next Spring/Summer don't I?
Kevin, It's too bad we haven't been able to hook up and ride, but perhaps soon IAB and I will come your way and we can get together with Splat and the boys and hit the trails together.

Sorry to hear about your friend Kevin - perhaps a kickass ride on the new BMW in his memory/honor is in order?

Take care bro,



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Knuckleslammer said:
This thing is kick ass. It's gonna kill me to wait for my fork to come back from marz and I still need $500 to finish the bike :nopity:
Oh well, at least I can stare at the frame right? :evil:

that thing is dripping yo!

drippin'. dauymmmn.....


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
that's what "sticky" thread means?

the room and lighting 70's skinflick. something extremely perverse about listening to the presidential debate and :evil: over these photos at the same time.
tmx said:
AR, I was thinking about that post you wrote the other day, about being only 16 and selling everything you owned to get the bike....I'm trying to recall any possesion I might have had at 16 that came anywhere close to more than 50 dollars. And that couldn't have been more than three things. My bike, my stereo and my skiis. (Granted that was 80,000 years ago...) You must have sold your families possessions too! So, now all you have to do is sell your neighbors goods to get the airfare here.

Festival sounds so...festive. Kinda corny, but I like.
LOL! 80,000 years ago, yeah, kids nowadays, didn't have that back when i was a wee lass!


took the red pill
It's killin me to see this thing here with no wheels on it and sh*t. Ima call marzocchi and ask them WTF is happening with my fork. I'm having them redo my Shiver SC (heavy springs, steel st, seals). I could put the 04 shiver on it that I just bought, but that fork stinks compared to the 02. They really raped the 04 shiver, but it's good enough for my hardtail.
