
BMX in the Olympics


Feb 20, 2003
I haven't seen a thread on this, and I thought I'd see what you all think.

If you aren't aware, BMX racing is being included in the 2008 Olympic Games. Apparently they're using it to replace one or two track cycling events, but I don't know which.

How do you all feel about it? My opinion is that it's pretty cool, but that it would have been even more cool if they had made it downhill BMX racing.

I also think it's funny that some of the current older pros are talking about making a run at this event... In five years. Most of them won't be racing anywhere near their top form by that time, in my opinion.


Oct 20, 2001
Port Orchard/Not WSU
This is the BMX forum.:rolleyes:

Anyway maybe some of us find downhill racing more boring than golf to watch?:eek: I personally find the olympics kinda useless and probably won't watch them except by coincidence.:devil:


Feb 20, 2003
Swiss, are you aware of what downhill BMX racing actually is? I think it's something akin to that new 4-Cross style of MTB racing. Imagine 35-40 foot gaps in the jumps. It's big, it's scary, and it promises to offer the kind of crashes that Joe Average Nascar fan wants to see...

I'm a fan of "traditional" bmx racing, and I'm even going to start doing it myself during the indoor season here. I just don't know how well received it's going to be by the public. I'll still check it out, though.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
i have been racing bmx for years now in the novice, recent expert class and have been va state champ 3 years in a row...and I have recently made the switch to 4 cross, downhill....not only is bmx more physically demanding, it also takes a whole lot more bike control to time, berm, and hit gaps 4 to 5 times the length of your bike cosistantly, downhill bmx is the burliest type of racing there is as far as bikes go, remember 20" bikes do not fly nearly as balanced as mountain bikes or even cruisers, as for bmx being in the olympics, it is a long time coming since bmx has been big and around since the mid seventies....hell if they have frigging trampoline bouncing, why not bmx? Our time has come and it is now! Keep in mind that most olympic sports ban the use of professional athletes i.e. those who are paid to ride, if bmx is like this then it will be us experts racing not the a pro and aa pro guys...either way it will be rad...