
Body Slammed by my bike.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
It was funny, now that I look back on it.
We were riding our local singletrack, when 5 minutes...no, more like 3 minutes into the ride, I pull up to manual, clipped in & on my XC bike, which has not been ridden on dirt in months, BAM!
She body slammed me. I looped out, still clipped in & hit with a THUD! Then a nice long groan. It was great & the hurt...I dont think the hurt will hit me until tomorrow. It was nothing gnarly...just like falling flat on my back.

I figure it was my bikes way of saying "FU!!1! WHERE THE F?! HAVE YOU BEEN!!??" Yes, she cusses like a sailor.


Mar 8, 2005
yep...happened to me one day (on a borrowed - and extrememly light weight XC) bike...pulled up trying to ride a simple wheelie and found myself too far, too fast - darn bike just jumped up and body slammed me - I tried to be witty by quickly blurting out "think I'll take a break" (as I placed my hands behind my head, crossed my legs trying to look relaxed) ya' know the whole "meant to do that" thing...my buddie laughed for about ten minutes as hard as he could ---

the following three months were spent nursing a seriously bruised tail-bone! :think:


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
loco said:
Wumpus did one on the front wheel yesterday. Ouchy.
Riding up a hill. Either buried the front wheel or spun out. Started going over the bars. Hit the sweet spot and me and the bike took off uni style down the hill backwards. Slammed my shin into a couple of rocks when the bike dumped me. A patch on my shin about the size of deck of cards swelled up about a 1/2" high.

And Loco missed the whole thing.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Sir Happypants said:
WHOAH, i just realized the grouch looks like weed
step away from the bong (weed makes you grow breasts).

Did your bikey grab your junk on the way down?
no, but I was wearing my white patent leather boots.

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
something similar happened to me one time on my XC bike. I was crusing along on my way back to the truck, and my front tire flipped a short, stout stick up over my rim and in between my spokes, the spokes catch it, take it up to the fork and BAM!! Next thing I know, I'm trying to catch my wind back and wondering what the fark has just happened. The stick had stuck to the spoke, is the only way I figured out what the funk had happened

then I laughed