
Bonds hits 715

How do you feel about Bonds beating Ruth's record?

  • Good for him

    Votes: 10 16.4%
  • Wish he hadn't

    Votes: 21 34.4%
  • I don't give a s**t either way

    Votes: 30 49.2%

  • Total voters


the Inbred said:
except, it wasn't a record.

i blame the media for hyping this **** up.

i think the real question is:

Who is/ was more dominant - Tiger or Jack?
Well Tiger did have lasik, so he is sub par.


Oct 17, 2002
So then y'all support Ricky Williams (RB, Miami Dolphins) smoking weed?

I LOVE the NFL and think they do a mostly awesome job, but not sure why weed is a tested substance.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
LordOpie said:
So then y'all support Ricky Williams (RB, Miami Dolphins) smoking weed?

I LOVE the NFL and think they do a mostly awesome job, but not sure why weed is a tested substance.
I never knew weed was a performance enhancing drug....


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
I'm going to wait to see MLB official word on this. I personally think that the juice didn't help Barry that much, and that he is a great player regardless. He's a great all-around player and that should never be taken away from him IMO. But I'll leave the * talk to the professionals.

Also, I've hit 95+ MPH fastballs if that validates my opinion.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
chicodude said:
Ummm.....You ever try and hit a 99 MPH fastball?

No? Then STFU
I can smoke a 99 MPH fastball...

...on MLB2K6. Easy stuff.

The entire 90's and up to this year need a big *.

They are all cheating it seems. It's like cycling I suppose.:rofl:


Oct 17, 2002
stevew said:
I never knew weed was a performance enhancing drug....
It's the NFL's bizarre attempt to mold good citizens. Which is strange tho, cuz apparently, it's still ok to hit women, sell drugs, and be involved in a conspiracy to commit murder.

Just don't smoke weed or mouth off.

jdcamb said:
Yup, I hope some of those games are on TV, so I can see an NFL player go up against college kids.

But he needs to stop so my Dolphins can bring him back for a year, showcase him, and trade him off :)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
chicodude said:
ouch....i got the freakin' smackdown from this thread....

I'd help but it seems you have to spread a lot of manure around.....:)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
On a different tangent, anyone here recall the Sosa corked-bat hooha?? The mentioning of Bonds still needing to put bat to ball at just the right contact point to hit a homer, whether on juice or not, reminds me of an ESPN "Did You Know", where it was said that a corked bat adds 1% to the total distance of a homer. And Sosa is at, what, 588 homers/5th all time? No, Bonds did not break any records, unless saying he's the "best left-handed homerun hitter" is a record. Just pitch to Bonds and see if his knee holds up, or his hand/eye coordination has weakened.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Sherpa said:
I personally think that the juice didn't help Barry that much, and that he is a great player regardless.
Yep, and that might just be the worst part, because nobody will ever know what he was really capable of.

I hope that keeps him up at night, thinking that maybe he could have achieved great things without his achievement being tarnished by steroid abuse.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'm looking forward to seeing someone legitimately break 61 HR's in a season. That's still the record IMO.

Anyone who doesn't think steroids have seriously helped jack up Barry's numbers has their head in their ass.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Here's my take on all this...

I'm waiting until the end of the season to decide if he was roiding or not... but it certainly seems like it at this point. His productivity has dropped soooo much this year that I can't put it all on the knee.

Yes, doping up won't make you hit the ball any better, but if you already hit the ball well, it will make the ball travel farther - and that's the benefit that Bonds got from the drugs.

Regardless, I think he's a hell of an athlete and a great baseball player. A hall-of-famer before the drugs, now a hall-of-famer with a footnote, imo.

The bottom line though is that he's now in SECOND place all time - not first. While it is an amazing accomplishment (drugs or no drugs), it's not first, thus it doesn't deserve anywhere near the media attention it's gotten. I'm glad MLB didn't celebrate.

Now, with all that said... I do think Barry gets the short end of the stick the majority of the time, and in that regard, I do feel bad for him - even if he as brought it on himself much of the time.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
BTW, the best thing that can happen to baseball and Bud "Asshole" Selig will be for someone to break the 73 HR mark. So, go Albert Pujols! :cool:
He got another one last night, number 25 I think ... a 3 run shot in the 7th that ended up being the game winner.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
DNA said:
He got another one last night, number 25 I think ... a 3 run shot in the 7th that ended up being the game winner.
Unfortunately, I think pitchers will get smart very soon and stop pitching to him. The guy is a KILLER.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
Unfortunately, I think pitchers will get smart very soon and stop pitching to him. The guy is a KILLER.
I have been waiting for that too. At least Pujols has Rolen behind him in the lineup for protection.


DNA said:
I have been waiting for that too. At least Pujols has Rolen behind him in the lineup for protection.
I think it's super cool that things like that actually matter. I am not very well versed in baseball, but really appreciate the strategy that most people don't notice.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
DNA said:
I have been waiting for that too. At least Pujols has Rolen behind him in the lineup for protection.
Yeah, Barry Bonds really didn't have much of anyone hitting behind him the last six years ago, except for maybe Jeff Kent for a while there.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
I Are Baboon said:
Yeah, Barry Bonds really didn't have much of anyone hitting behind him the last six years ago, except for maybe Jeff Kent for a while there.
With the reputation he has built for himself, no one wants to be behind, in front, or even around him.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
Yeah, Barry Bonds really didn't have much of anyone hitting behind him the last six years ago, except for maybe Jeff Kent for a while there.
How did Kent and Bonds ever survive together in the same clubhouse? You probably couldn't find two more misanthropic people in all of baseball, much less two on the same team.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
loco said:
I think it's super cool that things like that actually matter. I am not very well versed in baseball, but really appreciate the strategy that most people don't notice.
I hadn't watched much baseball until a year and a half or so ago when Jenn got me watching it and was patient in explaining things to me when I had questions. Since then, I've found a lot of the strategy extremely interesting. Like a first baseman is typically better when they're left-handed, since they don't have to turn to throw the ball towards the infield. Never would have occured to me.


binary visions said:
I hadn't watched much baseball until a year and a half or so ago when Jenn got me watching it and was patient in explaining things to me when I had questions. Since then, I've found a lot of the strategy extremely interesting. Like a first baseman is typically better when they're left-handed, since they don't have to turn to throw the ball towards the infield. Never would have occured to me.
hmm - never thought of that, but not turning to throw would speed things up. :think:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
binary visions said:
I hadn't watched much baseball until a year and a half or so ago when Jenn got me watching it and was patient in explaining things to me when I had questions. Since then, I've found a lot of the strategy extremely interesting. Like a first baseman is typically better when they're left-handed, since they don't have to turn to throw the ball towards the infield. Never would have occured to me.
They can also cover more infield ground since their glove is naturally further into the infield, as opposed to a righty who has to turn to field a fair ball. Plus a lefty makes it easier to pick off a possible base stealer.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
I Are Baboon said:
They can also cover more infield ground since their glove is naturally further into the infield, as opposed to a righty who has to turn to field a fair ball. Plus a lefty makes it easier to pick off a possible base stealer.
I never understood why there are not any lefty catchers. I can see why there are not in little leagues and such, since most of the hitters are right handed, but in the pros it seems to be about half and half.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I'm no baseball nut, but I'll say this. Babe Ruth was a lardass and still hit as many as he did... Roids are all over the place in that sport now. Look at the muscles on todays players. Go back in time, pay ruth 250k per game put him on a weights program like bonds with roid supplements, then we'd have a fair comparison.

I'm with whoever said "he broke nothing". They should have 2 records, Pre anabolic and post anibolic records.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
BTW, the best thing that can happen to baseball and Bud "Asshole" Selig will be for someone to break the 73 HR mark. So, go Albert Pujols! :cool:
Bah, I don't know about that. I'm sure that is exactly what Selig and all the baseball pundits would love to see happen to deflect the serious issues that the game has and continues to ignore.

On a side tangent, despite the nostalgic ball and stick in the alley feel that most people like to think about when it comes to baseball, the truth of the matter is that it isn't the most honerable of sports and since its inception, players and managers have cheated and bent the rules in whichever way it suits them to gain an edge (arguably moreso now since players contracts can be worth tens of millions :cough: steriods :cough:).

...wait after typing that, now I think I know why it's "America' Pastime"


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
gsweet said:
alright, here we go. as an avid baseball fan (a sport which in fact does not suck...but that's not the argument right now) i have respect for bonds: yes, he's juiced and yes the game is different now than it was 35 years ago when hank aaron was still playing and 80 years ago when babe ruth was playing. but you all failed to recognize the fact that no matter how much mass you put on due to steroid use, you still won't be able to hit that baseball any better if you don't have the hand-eye coordination. simply put i don't think bonds could have broken the babe's record without steroid use, but i do think that he was/is/should be considered one of the best contact hitters in the game. he's got a great swing and fantastic hand/eye coordination upon which steroids have no effect.
Interesting article:

I'm curious how each of the players (Ruth + Bonds) would fare in the others time? I'm sure pitching has changed a lot in the 70ish years since Ruth retired. The rules were different back then too with what would be considered a homer...

It'd be retarded to have a * for second place. If he hits 756 then I'm not quite so sure. Does Maris have a * for hitting one more home run than Ruth in a season that was 8 games longer? Should he?



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
SilentJ said:
Interesting article:

I'm curious how each of the players (Ruth + Bonds) would fare in the others time? I'm sure pitching has changed a lot in the 70ish years since Ruth retired. The rules were different back then too with what would be considered a homer...

It'd be retarded to have a * for second place. If he hits 756 then I'm not quite so sure. Does Maris have a * for hitting one more home run than Ruth in a season that was 8 games longer? Should he?

I think these kinds of comparisons are inane. Even beyond all the illegal drugs, athletes today are much stronger and better shape due to nutrition, workouts, and medical treatments.

For example, Jack Lambert, middle linebacker for the Steelers in the 70's, weighed 200lbs. Dave DeBusschere, power forward for the Knicks in the 60-70's, was 6'5". Would players with this size exist in the pros today?

Possibly, if they were on modern training regimines...