
Bong hits for Jesus


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Anybody been following this story?


The thing that kind of strikes me is that the judge will be basing his decision on what could happen after the decision is made and not on interpreting the existing law. I also love the paragraph after talking about how the Bush administration wants to limit free speech.

"Justice Stephen Breyer, addressing Mertz (the lawer), said he is struggling with the case because a ruling in Frederick's favor could encourage students to go to absurd lengths to test those limits.

A ruling for Morse, however, "may really limit free speech," Breyer said.

The Bush administration, backing Morse, wants the court to adopt a broad rule that could essentially give public schools the right to clamp down on any speech with which it disagrees."


They drank my Tooters
Sep 7, 2006
a state called denial
Didn't read the article but heard about it on the radio this morning. I thing the principal had the right to make him take done the sign advocating illegal drugs but shouldn't have suspended him for 2 weeks.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
If this guy gets his ideas across going to see Jesus Christ Superstar will be as smoky as a Dave Matthews concert.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Let's recap:

1. 17 year old HS student
2. "Bong Hits for Jesus" sign not on school property
3. Principal tears it down, suspends kid

Where the f*ck was this principal when I had to drive by the anti-abortionists with 6' x 8' posters of aborted fetuses on the sidewalk 1' from the gate?? Hmmm...?? Where's my day in the Supreme Court to talk about how that scarred me for life? Where's my pay-out?

Oh wait...It's not a big f*ckin' deal...I forgot.

You wanna ban everything from students and anything within sight distance of an educational institution? Fine, we'll all go to school in Wyoming. Where men are men; and sheep are scared.