


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
how actually caring is it that when pre-natal testing suggests a special needs child (*very* broadly defined, btw), termination is the suggested course of action?
Do you have a better suggestion? Maybe if your people hadn't starved every government agency with assistance programs for low-income and single mothers, they would be more capable of looking after a special needs child. Maybe if your people would allow public funding of abortion services, you'd have more say in how those were advised and carried out. But don't back poor women into a corner, reduce access to sex education, reduce access to birth control, reduce access to child-care, reduce access to welfare, and then blame their last outlet for help when the best course of action when faced with a child they don't know how to care for and couldn't afford if they did know is to not have that child.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Do you have a better suggestion? Maybe if your people hadn't starved every government agency with assistance programs for low-income and single mothers, they would be more capable of looking after a special needs child. Maybe if your people would allow public funding of abortion services, you'd have more say in how those were advised and carried out. But don't back poor women into a corner, reduce access to sex education, reduce access to birth control, reduce access to child-care, reduce access to welfare, and then blame their last outlet for help when the best course of action when faced with a child they don't know how to care for and couldn't afford if they did know is to not have that child.
Oh don't worry. The church™ will pick up all that slack.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
How pro-life of them.
Somewhat more pro-life than a Race for the Cure perfume that actually contains cancer-causing carcinogens.... :rofl:


A report on the test revealed it contained galaxolide, a synthetic musk that has been shown to accumulate in the body of women whose perfumes contained it, according to DailyFinance.com. The report goes on to allege that the ingredient may be a contributing factor in the development of breast cancer.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I have to say, the more I think about it the sadder I am at the "reality" that's perpetrated by the right-wing as evidenced by $tinkle's posts on here. As proof of the "damning evidence" of the (laughably false) notion that PP doesn't provide "cancer screening", he posts a video that states that they called "27 PP clinics in 30 states" and none of them provided mammograms.

1) That's 27..... out of more than 800 clinics nationwide, or approximately 3%. Many states have more than one clinic, but it was listed that way to make it seem like 85%+ of the clinics were called.
2) $tinkle automatically conflates mammograms and breast exams. Stating that a PP clinic doesn't provide mammograms doesn't preclude them from doing cancer-screening in the form of manual (heh heh heh) breast exams.
3) He also conflates breast cancer exams with cervical/uterine cancer exams, leading to his assumption that PP doesn't provide *any* cancer screenings.

It's fascinating to know that this is how the story, the propaganda is being perpetrated on the right. It's trying to knit together a story that PP doesn't do anything but kill unborn babies, that any and all dollars going to it perpetrate the 'death factory', and that it has no useful purpose whatsoever. Like I said, it's fascinating (and sad all at the same time) that this whole alternate reality is being constructed and apparently being bought into by the hard-right. It's like we have our own little window into that world without having to litter our IP history with those websites....


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
It's fascinating to know that this is how the story, the propaganda is being perpetrated on the right. It's trying to knit together a story that PP doesn't do anything but kill unborn babies
About 3% of PP services provided are abortions, and about 15% of revenue is from abortion services.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Namely providing MULTIPLE services based soley on keeping people alive, regardless of what your chain emails tell you. I mean real, living people with families, friends, careers..........
just not the unborn darkies
gotta keep that crime rate in check
Do you have a better suggestion?
just spit-ballin here, but carry to term?
Maybe if your people hadn't starved every government agency with assistance programs for low-income and single mothers,
false claim
But don't back poor women into a corner, reduce access to sex education, reduce access to birth control, reduce access to child-care, reduce access to welfare, and then blame their last outlet for help when the best course of action when faced with a child they don't know how to care for and couldn't afford if they did know is to not have that child.
right, b/c adoption is for suckers
do you know how much it costs to adopt a baby from china? tens of thousands.
Oh don't worry. The gov't™ will pick up all that slack.
which, in turn, passes the cost along to everyone else. brilliant.
ohio said:
I'd have to double check, but based on memory, about 3% of PP budget goes to abortion services.
3% of "services", which can be defined as answering a question over the phone, or a single visit having bundled services counted separately (counseling, blood panel, administrative, etc.). this amounts to 300,000 terminated pregnancies, all of which i'm sure made our world better by not bothering us with their filth & special needs (like a cleft palate).

i wonder if due to screening services offered by PP if that number of cancers caught & successfully treated approaches even a tenth of that.

should maybe be an incentive, like "until number of cancers successfully caught & treated reaches number of terminated pregnancies, PP shall offer adoption referral to pregnant women" (less than 1% of the number of abortions for adoption referral - page 4)


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
As proof of the "damning evidence" of the (laughably false) notion that PP doesn't provide "cancer screening",
except for the fact i wrote this: further reading of the BCCS program does leave room to infer a qualified woman could receive mammography through PP, which is a very good thing."
That's 27..... out of more than 800 clinics nationwide, or approximately 3%. Many states have more than one clinic, but it was listed that way to make it seem like 85%+ of the clinics were called.
are you implying 97% of PP clinics offer some sort of cancer screening?
$tinkle automatically conflates mammograms and breast exams. Stating that a PP clinic doesn't provide mammograms doesn't preclude them from doing cancer-screening in the form of manual (heh heh heh) breast exams.
nope, you did that.
3) He also conflates breast cancer exams with cervical/uterine cancer exams, leading to his assumption that PP doesn't provide *any* cancer screenings.
It's fascinating to know that this is how the story, the propaganda is being perpetrated on the right.
sort of like how PP is a "women's health" clinic, b/c some portion goes toward screening. shall we also claim gitmo is a "muslim health center, specializing in halal meals"?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
except for the fact i wrote this: further reading of the BCCS program does leave room to infer a qualified woman could receive mammography through PP, which is a very good thing."
Yes, you did. **AFTER** it was pointed out that you were thoroughly incorrect. That doesn't change the fact that you fully bought into the right-wing propaganda in your earlier post.

$tinkle said:
are you implying 97% of PP clinics offer some sort of cancer screening?
Did you miss my post? 100% of PP clinics offer some sort of cancer screening, usually a breast exam *and* a visual cervical check (edit: and pap smear). The video you posted specifically talked about *mammograms* which are only one specific aspect of "cancer screening". If you don't see the difference, talk to a woman in your life.

$tinkle said:
nope, you did that.
Not only did you conflate mammograms with a generic "cancer screening" in the previous post, you did it again in your questioning whether "97% of PP clinics offer some sort of cancer screening?" How hard is it to grasp the concept that every PP clinic provides some level of cancer screening and when there's a questionable lump, the clinics that don't offer mammograms offer referrals to outside providers that do?

$tinkle said:
sort of like how PP is a "women's health" clinic, b/c some portion goes toward screening. shall we also claim gitmo is a "muslim health center, specializing in halal meals"?
That's so dumb I'm not even going to bother with a response.
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Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Full-on damage control going on, that gun was pulled off of the discountgunsales.com website:


Now leads to an "access denied" page and people are claiming that it's a fake.

Apparently right-wingers don't know about google's cache, which still has it in all it's glory.


What is it about right-wingers who think that they can delete something on the web and pretend that it never existed?
at your mtg @ your undisclosed location, be sure & tell teh desmondo & ????? i said hi:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
You know that that link is just to the "pink camo" version, not the "Hope" model that is actually done in conjunction with SGK, right?

THIS is the link you wanted:


They removed the other link (note how the first link in my previous post goes to an access denied page), but I'm guessing that it's just.... sold out? Regardless, I've seen people online trying to claim that it's a fake, but since there is still a working link I deleted my post. You were just too quick.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
By the way, this was the post that I was referring to (on theatlanticwire.com):

idiotic commenter said:
Since you like to spread lies and propaganda, I have definitively proven that the pink Walther P-22 is FAKE, not to mention that it's a P.R. disaster to begin with, defies common sense, and reeks of disinformation.



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
Do you have a better suggestion? Maybe if your people hadn't starved every government agency with assistance programs for low-income and single mothers, they would be more capable of looking after a special needs child. Maybe if your people would allow public funding of abortion services, you'd have more say in how those were advised and carried out. But don't back poor women into a corner, reduce access to sex education, reduce access to birth control, reduce access to child-care, reduce access to welfare, and then blame their last outlet for help when the best course of action when faced with a child they don't know how to care for and couldn't afford if they did know is to not have that child.
can someone hit this man with some rep for me.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 8, 2006
New York City
Anyone se the freakanomics movie? They linked abortion as the number one key to the crime rate drop from the early 1990s. It beat more police, education and a host of other variables.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
PP doesn't do anything but kill unborn babies, that any and all dollars going to it perpetrate the 'death factory', and that it has no useful purpose whatsoever.
They don't call it Unplanned Parenthood, so it MUST be a death camp. If they were ACTUALLY planning for parenthood, it wouldn't involve abortion. :panic:

Conservative Republican Magic 8 Ball:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
one rightwing bitch resigned ( forced out)


still they will never get another penny of our money. My wifes great grand monther, and her grandmonther dies of breast cancer. Her mother is at year four of remission and my wife goes in every 6 months for a mammogram. we will send our dollars directly to Planned Parenthood
Must spread rep.

I love that article, too.