
Bootleg Canyon Winter 2008: 3 accounts of 2 trips

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
So this winter has been pure HECK on those of us that live in Denver and ride bikes... normally we have pretty mild winters and we can ride trail and dirt jump nearly year round. Not this winter! But during a winter that offered up relentless snow and freezing cold temperatures, Bootleg Canyon offered an oasis of dry dirt and killer trails. The team I ride for organized a couple of team bonding/get the hell outta the snow/ride our faces off trips over the past couple months, and I made the guys on the team write up some reports. I'll post the intro paragraphs to each account, and you can click over to our site to read the rest if you're into it.

Bootleg January 2008 part 1
By Keith Darner
It was my first real trip to bootleg, I usually go there for Yeti to help with the trade show and do promotional stuff like hang out in an Elvis outfit. However In January I was headed there with Five guys in my truck and five guys coming from else where. The trip there was a total nightmare. As we had terrible driving condition, including snow and slick roads. We were pulling the RPM trailer because we were hauling demo bikes for people on the team to ride once we were out there. More: http://www.rpmcycling.org/race_journal/bootleg_january_2008_part_1.html

Bootleg January 2008 part 2
By Peter Schulze
I busted out of my last period class all fired up for my first ride with the RPM squad. There was only one setback: one long nine hour drive ahead of us. So I packed up the car. I put the bikes in, I put the bags in. I bought a car charger for the iPod. We were set. We left Los Alamos around high noon. All was going as planned. We blasted through Santa Fe, stopped not at Albuquerque, and pinned it all the way to the Arizona border. More: http://www.rpmcycling.org/race_journal/bootleg_january_2008_part_2.html

Bootleg Canyon February 2008
By Doc Branney
There’s nothing like getting to listen to how a group ride went, when you were the one stuck back at home working. So, after 3 weeks of hearing about how cool the trails were, how fast everyone rode, how much Proctor can eat, it was finally our turn to get in on the fun. More: http://www.rpmcycling.org/race_journal/bootleg_february_2008.html