

Mar 9, 2005
Hey, I'm heading out to Bootleg this weekend! I think it would be fun for a bunch of people to get out there. It is supossed to sprinklie at nights, letting the dirt be sexy for the mornings ride! I'm leaving Fri. after school for a 4 - 5 hour drive out there. Then riding all day Sat. and most of Sunday. leaving Sunday later. Check the calander and try to get out there!


Turbo Monkey
IntensedhRider said:
Hey, I'm heading out to Bootleg this weekend! I think it would be fun for a bunch of people to get out there. It is supossed to sprinklie at nights, letting the dirt be sexy for the mornings ride! I'm leaving Fri. after school for a 4 - 5 hour drive out there. Then riding all day Sat. and most of Sunday. leaving Sunday later. Check the calander and try to get out there!
Pshhh, no one cares that you are going to bootleg!!
BTW, I was searching hotels last night and there were no rooms available. So I guess we are roughing it out eh? Hope it does not rain too much! Sanjay is trying hard to get a wheel for the weekend so he can join us, it should be an epic trip.
Mar 9, 2005
Jonny's got a trailer with 3 bunks. But he's got bad grades and is not able to make it. I asked him if we can borrow it, but I dunno. Also, Markie might be going and my dad WANTS to go, but we cant really fit everyone. One more wuestion, is your bro going? We are all still going, just need to figure out who is and who is not so we can figure out the car situation!


Turbo Monkey
IntensedhRider said:
Jonny's got a trailer with 3 bunks. But he's got bad grades and is not able to make it. I asked him if we can borrow it, but I dunno. Also, Markie might be going and my dad WANTS to go, but we cant really fit everyone. One more wuestion, is your bro going? We are all still going, just need to figure out who is and who is not so we can figure out the car situation!
We need to figure this Shizzledizzle out.