
Boston Marathon picture flood ( yes it was today )


Nam I am
Today is patriots Day, or also know as Marathon Monday around here. And I live about 5 miles from the starting line. so Me the wife and kids get on our Bikes and head on over to the Marathon course. And IAB in the GMT said I was suppose to take lots of Pics , So I did !

any way We got to RT 135 ,the marthon Course in Hopkinton, MA and rode up toward the start looking for a nice place to sit.

we went past this monstrosity , just MMike

We found this spot not quite a mile from the start line. Had a little music to go with it .

It was also right across teh street from a New Marathon Sculptor that hey had just dedicated.

The plaque was not even attached yet.

And it was very deep on so many levels .

The Top

the one side

and fianlly the most interesting side

well back to the race .

The wheel chairs went off first.

And I was taking pics when the one guy in a wheel chair was yelling for some one to help him as he went buy ( I happen to catch him in the corner of the shot ) if you look his wheels are cambered the wrong way.

But nobody did anything , So I yelled what do you need and ran toward him. My wife also ran over . He asked us to try and fix his wheel camber by rotating the axel. at this point another man , had come to help also and We lifted the back end of the chair and rotated the axel and off he went .

her is a woman in a pedal type chair.

And then the Hoyt's came along. this is the 25th time he will have run the marathon Pushing his disabled son. My wife did a tri-atalon with them. they are very personable people.

and these were the last 2 wheel chairs , but if they were stuggling to get up this little hill, I had to wonder how they were going to survive Heartbreak hill

Next was the elite Women

#5 on the left with the arrow , would go on to win the race. and the one in green would be 2nd. and there is the time at 1 mile

More elite women

And now we had about 20 minutes before the rest of the field would be sent off.
but while we waited and unfortunatly I could not get to my camera fast enough but 2 F-14's did an incredible fly by! low and fast , with the wings in Delta and it was deafing !

well any way then came the men

#8 in red would win the race , and set a new course record, ( his 2nd time winning Boston) and #11 would finish 3rd with the best time of an American in over 20 years .

and then came the Hords of runners

The riddler ??????

Superman ? I like the guy launching a snot rocket behind him

and they just keep coming !

always see at least 1 flag. and the guys in the background know how to get a good vantage point

a Bunny ???

Hey I know you !!! I would see 3 people I knew running , This is Monica I work with her. and do some road riding wiith her too.

Also saw My daughters teacher and another co-worker running

a Viking ! ? !

and THis was one of the last runners , and you just have to ask WHY ????

I'm working on making a couple of panoramas of the mass hords of people.

but as usual it is always a fun time.


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
I had a friend from college who ran today. I was kinda hoping to see her randomly in one of those pics. Not so much, but they were fun anyway!