well seeing as how i've been to neither i can't truly say. i've been meaning to go but haven't gotten around to it.I've heard metrorock is much better than Boston Rock Gym. Do you have any input on the issue?
well seeing as how i've been to neither i can't truly say. i've been meaning to go but haven't gotten around to it.I've heard metrorock is much better than Boston Rock Gym. Do you have any input on the issue?
Are you a climber, or are you just kinda thinking about trying it out?well seeing as how i've been to neither i can't truly say. i've been meaning to go but haven't gotten around to it.
i've done some bouldering with my friends who climb all the time, but i was borrowing their gear. lately i've just been too broke and busy to get my own gear and start climbing more frequently.Are you a climber, or are you just kinda thinking about trying it out?
To boulder, you could get by with just a pair of shoes. It's when you want to start using ropes that the cost really starts to go up. If you want to climb with us sometime, we'd be more than willing to go.i've done some bouldering with my friends who climb all the time, but i was borrowing their gear. lately i've just been too broke and busy to get my own gear and start climbing more frequently.
That would be cool. Hey, maybe I can rig some ropes up sometime and get you climbing in return for a tour of 'Nam.Well if you come out and have me give you a tour of Vietnam I will take you to the far corner that has college rock , lots of rock climbers go there . not just bouldering , it requires ropes
Cool, we'll do it. I'll set up some top-rope routes and we'll figure something out for harnesses, etc.That would be cool , My wife would like it too. ( she actually has done some climbing before )
But here is what some of it looks like
Bostonapartments.comCan you guys give me any websites to look for rental properties, etc? I'm trying to get an accurate cost of living estimate. I guess I'm looking north of Boston proper, (Woburn, Wilmington, Billerica, Tewksbury and the lot) These locations would put me within my magic 10 mile radius for bike commuting.
That's not too bad actually... We pay 1150 here in Annapolis for a very small 2 br /1 bath house.Bostonapartments.com
You should be prepared to pay $1200-$1500 a month for a decent 2 bedroom in a good neigborhood. .
We also used that website. IIRC, you also have to pay a one time finder's fee to a real estate agent for some of the properties on there. I believe the fees were usually 1/2 month's rent.Bostonapartments.com
Pick a town - such as Woburn - from the dropdown list and click on "search". Scroll down on the page it takes you to. You should be prepared to pay $1200-$1500 a month for a decent 2 bedroom in a good neigborhood. Most of the sub $1,000 places have something detrimental about them whether it's the location, age, or size of the place.
We actually found some decent places that were 2 bedroom and had parking in that price range. Southern Woburn had some places that were pretty decent and not too pricey.Yeah, but what you'll find here is the $12-1500 is for a 1-2 bedroom, 1 bath, 3rd floor walk-up with no parking or street parking that you'll have to buy a permit for.
Actually My wife has her own set of shoesSplat.... your wife and I could probably swap my harness... and maybe even shoes (I wear socks)
I've actually already looked at Carabiners online. It looks way cool. I do want to hop down there sometime, but it's a little far for an afterwork workout.For indoor climbing you need to check out:
www.carabiners.com - located in beautiful New Bedford. 75 foot roofs, lead climbs, bouldering, a pro shop etc. Maybe an hour drive from Boston but well worth it Also pick up a copy of the book Boston Rocks it gives locations and route info for pretty much every climbing area around Boston...
Supposed to be close to 60 Saturday.....Also, MudGrrl gave me Boston Rocks for the winter solstice gift giving extravaganza. We used it to go climbing at Hammond Pond on Dec. 24, and if the weather stays warm we might be using it again this weekend.
i'm going to see if one of my friends wants to go bouldering up at pawtuckaway if the weather is good sometime this weekend. the climbing there is great and if we go you guys are more than welcome to come.We used it to go climbing at Hammond Pond on Dec. 24, and if the weather stays warm we might be using it again this weekend.
Sweet, thanks. Although, I hear that it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow and into Saturday morning. The last forecast I saw had it raining until about noon on Saturday.i'm going to see if one of my friends wants to go bouldering up at pawtuckaway if the weather is good sometime this weekend. the climbing there is great and if we go you guys are more than welcome to come.
The Boston-Cambridge scene is urban bike heaven.not to interrupt the rock climbing discussion but I am hoping to go to college in Boston next year and was wondering what the riding scene was like downtown. I heard rumors from a friend of djs near fenway. Also isnt evil located there? Seems like there would be a solid urban scene.
Yep!5well at least you get to go to viet nam.
and not talkin' 'bout the splat hangout.
Cool, good luck.Well, now the interview is back on for next week. Color me surprised. I thought they'd changed their minds. I'm still going to Viet Nam though...
The 1st interview is via telephone. If I get an onsite interview, I'll let you know.Next Week when ?
good luck!The 1st interview is via telephone. If I get an onsite interview, I'll let you know.
We would have loved to have you up here, but good for you anyway. I hope it works out for you and you make some bank off this.Strange.
I just had my interview and the guy was actually in Mananas VA, not Boston. They wanted to hire me part time as a contract employee to do basically what I am already doing, which is cool. It would all be done via telecommute so I wouldn't actually have to move anywhere if I didn't want to. I just have to figure out what I am worth, discuss the situation with my current boss to see if she's interested in me splitting my time, then tell this company what I expect to get paid and see if they bite. Sounds complicated.
Oh well, the short of it is I guess I won't be moving to Boston anytime soon.