
boulder shuttling this weekend


Jan 28, 2003
if anyone wants to shuttle some trails come to the gunbarrel jumps today (sat) at 5-6pm. also, sunday at 9-10am we will meet at gunbarrel and we are shuttling like 3 trails. call if you need directions to the gunbarrel jumps. if you know boulder they are at 63rd and nautilus in gunbarrel.



Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Mark, If these are public trails then by all means let us know where they are... If they are pirate trails please don't post them on a public forum. I know it is tough to keep a secret, but when it is out, then they are closed.
If you didn't build these trails then I would watch out for who did, because I am sure they wouldn't be happy if they knew there was advertizing.

I am not being a dick I am just trying to protect whatever riding there is, whether I am riding it or not. Plus it doesn't look good if the trails are found


Sep 8, 2001
Brunswick, ME
Agreed these trails are sweet, but definitely not sanctioned trails. Advertising them on the boards will alomst certainly get them closed down sooner than later.....


Jan 28, 2003
what are you guys talking about? i was talking about three legal trails. enough with the negativity. i was just looking for anyone who wants to shuttle. ill be out at eaton from 9-10 or so. you know it kind of shows the way things are around here when someone posts about shuttling trails and the only responses are so presumptious. next time ill remember to not try to organize a fun group ride via the internet.


Sep 8, 2001
Brunswick, ME
Sorry Mark, was not trying to rain or your parade. I guess I did assume you were talking about a certain couple of trails which are accessed via private property.

So what are you guys planning on riding then? Aaron and I should be out and about today. Hoping to get a nice long ride in and then maybe make it out for some dirt jumping if the weather holds up.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Originally posted by dream4est
what are you guys talking about? i was talking about three legal trails. enough with the negativity. i was just looking for anyone who wants to shuttle. ill be out at eaton from 9-10 or so. you know it kind of shows the way things are around here when someone posts about shuttling trails and the only responses are so presumptious. next time ill remember to not try to organize a fun group ride via the internet.
Rereading my post i feel that I was as non-negative as possible. I know that I hang out with a lot of people in the DH community and if a Legal DH trail comes around I would hope that I would be in the know. That is why I assumed that the trails that you are talking about were pirate trails.

If you know of legal DH trails, then by all means, share with us the details!


Jan 28, 2003
alex meet me at the jumps at 230 -6pm today and we will shuttle. the ride is actually gonna be monday now. call me josh or alex if you want to join in. its not my organized ride monday but you guys can come.



Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Originally posted by dream4est
alex meet me at the jumps at 230 -6pm today and we will shuttle. the ride is actually gonna be monday now. call me josh or alex if you want to join in. its not my organized ride monday but you guys can come.

Thanks for the offer, but i can't. I will be in DC, plus doc says no dh for at least 6 months :(


Sep 8, 2001
Brunswick, ME
Thanks for the offer for this afternoon Mark. I just walked through the door after a very long XC ride and am in no shape to shuttle. I am interested in tomorrows activities though, what time you guys looking to head out?


Sep 6, 2001
Treeburner, as it turns out, the trails these guys shuttled are legal, well known trails. Actually xc trails. They provide a nice mellow generally downhill ride when ridden in one direction, hence the shuttle. No private land was crossed, nothing illegal, immoral, or illicit was done. The only toes stepped on apparently are yours. Perhaps next time you might ask a little further before flaming the sh*t out of someone!

I think you owe someone an apology.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Renegade
Treeburner, as it turns out, the trails these guys shuttled are legal, well known trails. Actually xc trails.
And on behalf of all the XC guys and hikers... we're so glad they're running your DH rigs on 'em!

That's right mutha fvckas... I went there! :devil:


Jan 28, 2003
actually a group of ten dhers ranging from pro to old men rode xc trails with a final run down fs 331, the steepest 2.3 miles in boulder county. relax treeburner no one even knows what private property trails you are referring to but im sure i could clear them on my "bullit".

yes opie we rode dh bikes on multi use trails. last i checked that was legal too.

anyone want to do some more shuttling this fri sat sun? pm me or call me. slick 50 call me up dowend and i are riding all weekend.


Sep 6, 2001
Originally posted by LordOpie
And on behalf of all the XC guys and hikers... we're so glad they're running your DH rigs on 'em!

That's right mutha fvckas... I went there! :devil:
Opie, just as dreamforest said, there are no restrictions as to what type of unmotorized bicycle one may ride on an xc trail. It's not the type or weight of the bike that makes a trail user a good or bad person to share the trail with, it's the attitude of the person that creates a problem.

And as I and others can attest to, you often display a whole lot of attitude. Lighten up, ride, and chill out.:angry:


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Renegade
Opie, just as dreamforest said, there are no restrictions as to what type of unmotorized bicycle one may ride on an xc trail. It's not the type or weight of the bike that makes a trail user a good or bad person to share the trail with, it's the attitude of the person that creates a problem.

And as I and others can attest to, you often display a whole lot of attitude. Lighten up, ride, and chill out.:angry:
I totally agree that jerks are individual specific; however, from my limited experience and from those whom I know (including JeffCo apparently)... DHers make up the large statistical part of reckless and rude riders on the trail. Rude, don't care about. Reckless is just that.

If you don't like the reputation, do what you can to change it. Telling people like me to chill isn't taking DH reputation in the right direction.

Hell, as much DH recklessness I've encounted, it's safer to road ride :devil:

PS: Just for you, I'll change my behavior and attitude :rolleyes:


Sep 6, 2001
Originally posted by LordOpie
I totally agree that jerks are individual specific; however, from my limited experience and from those whom I know (including JeffCo apparently)... DHers make up the large statistical part of reckless and rude riders on the trail. Rude, don't care about. Reckless is just that.

If you don't like the reputation, do what you can to change it. Telling people like me to chill isn't taking DH reputation in the right direction.

Hell, as much DH recklessness I've encounted, it's safer to road ride :devil:

PS: Just for you, I'll change my behavior and attitude :rolleyes:
I agree that some dh'ers are mostly responsible for the reckless reputation that's in the air these days, particularly in Jeffco. What I was taking exception to was you lumping this particular group of riders, many who I know and have ridden with, into that group. I can tell you for fact that you wronged there.
I and others I ride with do what we can to present a good trail user image when we ride, and to try and make that image infectious. In that respect, we are working to change the image. Unfortunately, I, nor anybody, has a global image strong enough to have to the power to change it globally. We do what we can.
As for you changing your behavoir and attitude, I'll be more specific. DON"T ASSUME. Don't assume these riders are the same "jerks" you see riding where you ride. Don't assume because they ride dh bikes, that they're jerks. You do that, I perhaps I won't make assumptions about you.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Renegade
I agree that some dh'ers are mostly responsible for the reckless reputation that's in the air these days, particularly in Jeffco. What I was taking exception to was you lumping this particular group of riders, many who I know and have ridden with, into that group. I can tell you for fact that you wronged there.
I and others I ride with do what we can to present a good trail user image when we ride, and to try and make that image infectious. In that respect, we are working to change the image. Unfortunately, I, nor anybody, has a global image strong enough to have to the power to change it globally. We do what we can.
As for you changing your behavoir and attitude, I'll be more specific. DON"T ASSUME. Don't assume these riders are the same "jerks" you see riding where you ride. Don't assume because they ride dh bikes, that they're jerks. You do that, I perhaps I won't make assumptions about you.

My mission is to make the trails safer. Yours is to somehow try to change me. If you have any advice on making me a better person, just PM me.


Sep 6, 2001
Originally posted by LordOpie

My mission is to make the trails safer. Yours is to somehow try to change me. If you have any advice on making me a better person, just PM me.
Just how do you come to that conclusion from reading what I wrote? In regards to changing you, I said don't make assumptions when you don't have the facts.


Aug 24, 2003
So what's the trick to determine DHer from XCer when they have shaved legs and are riding skinny bikes like some of the DH racer around here ?:confused:

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Originally posted by dream4est
anyone want to do some more shuttling this fri sat sun?
Chile Challenge in Angel Fire, NM is this weekend... I'm heading that way to ride some of the guh-nar on my modified long-travel XC bicycle. Mmmmmmm... lift-accessed uni-directional rock-riddled DH-track riding. I might even race! w00t!

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Originally posted by Masa
So what's the trick to determine DHer from XCer when they have shaved legs and are riding skinny bikes like some of the DH racer around here ?:confused:
Shoes. Look for the shoes, mang. DHers are too illiterate to pronounce Sidi, so they don't buy 'em. And Vans are what XC guys' wives haul their kids to soccer practice in. :devil:


Aug 24, 2003
Originally posted by Full Trucker
Shoes. Look for the shoes, mang. DHers are too illiterate to pronounce Sidi, so they don't buy 'em. And Vans are what XC guys' wives haul their kids to soccer practice in. :devil:
Cool, no one finds out I am a 'DHer' as I use a pair of Sidi's !!
I'm so stealth !!



Oct 17, 2002
Renegade... clean out your PM box. And since I don't want to wait for you to do so, I'm posting the PM I tried to send you here... do everyone a favor, don't reply in the forum, come yell at me via PM.

Originally posted by Renegade
Treeburner, as it turns out...

I think you owe someone an apology.
Originally posted by Renegade
Just how do you come to that conclusion from reading what I wrote? In regards to changing you, I said don't make assumptions when you don't have the facts.
man, you've got an over-inflated ego. Not getting enough respect at home? Wanting it from the forums? Yeah, that was mean, but really, chill... you don't have to challenge everyone who says something you don't like.

Seriously tho, if you have something to say that's not applicable to the forums, PM your target... don't pollute the forums.


Sep 6, 2001
Originally posted by LordOpie
Renegade... clean out your PM box. And since I don't want to wait for you to do so, I'm posting the PM I tried to send you here... do everyone a favor, don't reply in the forum, come yell at me via PM.

man, you've got an over-inflated ego. Not getting enough respect at home? Wanting it from the forums? Yeah, that was mean, but really, chill... you don't have to challenge everyone who says something you don't like.

Seriously tho, if you have something to say that's not applicable to the forums, PM your target... don't pollute the forums.
I think it is applicable to say in the forum, so I will. I believe that I am addressing yours and treeburners misconception of what this shuttle ride was on that day. I percieve your posts, and now this attack, as something coming from you that is more than just a disagreement with what I say, something written here has gotten personal with you. And now, by making the the remarks you did above regarding ego and respect, you are making this personal with me. How personal do you want to make it? I suggest we drop it. Continued personal attacks on your behalf are not going to engage me in intellectual banter. They will drive me past the anger I allready am feeling towards you.

The pm box is emptied.


Jan 28, 2003
Originally posted by Full Trucker
Chile Challenge in Angel Fire, NM is this weekend... I'm heading that way to ride some of the guh-nar on my modified long-travel XC bicycle. Mmmmmmm... lift-accessed uni-directional rock-riddled DH-track riding. I might even race! w00t!
have fun down there. my roommate adam said he met you at the gunbarrel jumps and you are a real nice guy. i was just looking for the three or four people in denver who are NOT going to see if they want to shuttle. masa? slick 50? big aaron? lets set up a ride for friday night or saturday morning. i will be at the jumps at 5pm today so call me or come by.



Aug 24, 2003
Hey mark,

Thanks, but I separated my shoulder and so no riding for me for a couple of months ..

I really wanna ride now, what ever it is, XC, Dirtjump, DH, I even take a road ride if I could!


May 18, 2004
somewhere near the apex
this thread is hilarious.

one persons sys he's gonna ride. a few people say he can't but a few still say he should. and then someone who says he should, actually can't.

btw. I would ride, but I can't, but you all should.




Sep 6, 2001
Hev, I'd ride too, but obviously, I just like to get into fights instead of ride.:nuts:

:D :D

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Originally posted by Masa
I really wanna ride now, what ever it is, XC, Dirtjump, DH, I even take a road ride if I could!
Getting hurt will change your whole perspective, won't it? Road riding never sounded like THAT much fun... until I wasn't able to walk, much less pedal a bicycle!


Aug 24, 2003
Originally posted by Full Trucker
Getting hurt will change your whole perspective, won't it? Road riding never sounded like THAT much fun... until I wasn't able to walk, much less pedal a bicycle!
It REALLY does. Well, I guess it makes riding more fun when I get better.


Oct 17, 2002
hey now, road riding will make you a better mtb... just as mtbing makes you a better roadie.

besides, until you actually get into a zone and do 50+ miles without stopping, you don't really understand. Something about just pushing yourself for hours is addicting.


Sep 8, 2001
Brunswick, ME
maybe sunday. we are tied up today and tomorrow with trading in my wifes truck on a different used truck. something a little more equiped to handle the task of pulling her horse and trailer.



Sep 6, 2001
Slick50 said:
she picked up a nice 2000 dodge dakota v8. she is already telling me we cant use this new truck to shuttle............
Yea, but she probably said that way back when about the ford too...

Why do horses need trailers? Don't they have four legs to walk on? :)