
Bout time


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I haven't shared any ride pics lately, and the weather has been ridiculously nice here for about the most month so I've been getting plenty of good rides in. These are mostly scenery pics, but enjoy.

We checked out this section of trail for the first time after hearing that it was steep, sketchy and primitive in places. It was aiiight, but not as dramatic as people made it sound.

You guys hear something?

We came across a shack in the middle of BFE!

Classy place

Begin mountain pictures.....NOW

The spring weather is supposed to continue so more riding is in store! After work I'm hitting some local dirt trails for a few hours of fun. :monkeydance: :monkeydance: :monkeydance:

This time of year is so great for trail conditions