
boxxer 06 leaking?


Aug 21, 2005
Noticed this morning that my 06 boxxer world cup's solo's have lost there damping after last sunday runs, I was playing with settings and they just were not working, I looked at the top cap on the right hand leg and there was oil running out of it in very small amounts, I messed around took out the damper and had a look to see whats wrong but when I put it back in the damping has started working again but it is still leaking oil from the top, anybody any Ideas? They get it rough enough I suppose but this is about the third rebound damper assembly that has failed me in Boxxer forks over the last few years, I am not a big hucker, I am not that heavy I just ride hard and alot, I am sick of boxxers messing up but they work far to nice not to love anyway. Any help much appreciated.