
Boycott Tea - Market Spice Variety


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hi everyone,

Public service announcement :)

We received two company gift baskets this week, both containing sample packs for Market Spice Tea.

I have an older box of MST that I enjoy drinking. It was purchased from my local grocery store. The brown box that my tea comes in, closely resembles the MST boxes that came with the gift baskets.

A coworker of mine came running into my office an hour ago asking for help, her lips and hands felt like they were burning. She'd just opened the new little boxes of sample teas that we'd received wanting to try them, and not knowing I had an older box on the counter. The tea bags didn't have strings on them and came in an aluminum pouch. She handled the tea pack with her fingers and while waiting on water brushed her fingers across her lips - causing the burning sensation.
After helping her cool down some of the sensation, we couldn't get rid of it entirely, I opened up my older box and we compared. My older tea came with strings on the tea bags, and the bags themselves are dry. The new teas we received were moist/oily and had no strings. The new ones had a very distinctive, peppery/cinnamon smell.

I told her I knew this tea was very strong, but I'd never had any problems of burning. So we called Market Spice thinking it was a bad batch that was shipped to the gift basket company. They said that MY tea (the older stuff) must be a bad batch or isn't theirs - their tea is hand made, never has strings, and frequently in the warehouse they have problems with employees accidentally touching their face and burning themselves. The teas are meant to be oily, and never stored in plastic as the oils will eventually burn through the plastic. The boxes of tea do not contain ANY warning that you should not handle the tea with your hands or that it may cause a burning sensation when in contact with skin.

So we called the gift basket company and reported the burning sensations and the information we learned from Market Spice. They're going to review their inventory and possibly change the types of tea that is placed in their baskets as a result.

We're now making public service announcements to friends and family - that if you do choose to drink this tea be cautious when handling. We're throwing out all packages with that product name on it here at our offices.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
wow so should they give you handling procedures on peppers as well or chili powder?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I bet yours was a knock-off, where did you buy it?

At least they aren't testing on animals or some crap, not sure it's worth a boycott though...

I get my tea from a local "custom" shop.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I would assume (much like hot coffee) that if you buy a package of peppers you already know that its contents may be spicy.

However, I enjoy a lot of different teas - many of which have the word "spice" on the package - I've never felt any need for caution in how I handle that tea bag or loose leaf tea.

When you pull a teabag out of its wrapper do you immediately turn and wash your hands with soap and hot water to get all the oils and spices out from your fingers? Do you know to avoid touching your face when handing tea?

So in this case, at least in my own experience and the experience of my tea drinking coworkers and family, because the norm is not to take some caution when handling tea (like you would, for example, an onion), if the tea requires some caution - to the extent where the company admits to having individuals in the warehouse being burned by handling the tea - don't you think the package should state this?

Also - the tea does not contain a complete ingredient list or allergy information. I'm allergic to some kinds of peppers...so if I eat a sandwich with red peppers in it I end up turning into a mass of hives...as a result I read most labels carefully when the product may contain ingredients like red pepper. If this spice tea contained red pepper and I drank it and broke out in hives, the first place I would look is the package to verify that it does, or does not list ingredients in full. If it does not, then I call the company and say - hey - list this chit I'm allergic and now I have to deal with hives for days as a result.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
punkassean said:
I bet yours was a knock-off, where did you buy it?

At least they aren't testing on animals or some crap, not sure it's worth a boycott though...

I get my tea from a local "custom" shop.
We didn't buy it - it came in a gift basket from our company attorneys. It had the company phone number and history information included with the packaging, so we called them and got the answer listed in the first post.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Jr_Bullit said:
We didn't buy it - it came in a gift basket from our company attorneys. It had the company phone number and history information included with the packaging, so we called them and got the answer listed in the first post.
I was referring to the package you had with cloth bags and strings...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
punkassean said:
I was referring to the package you had with cloth bags and strings...
oh :) we asked them about that - they said I just have a different variety of their tea (they make several). The funnier part is that if they put the strings on the more spicy tea they'd have solved the problem of my coworker feeling any burning in her hands or mouth...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Silver said:
You got all uppity over that? Call me back when you've diced a habanero and then rubbed your eyes :D
Did that with an onion once - ouch! But then again - with an onion you should know better ;) :nopity:


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
what kind of tea was it? what flavor I guess is what I'm asking......?

for tea drinking hippies out there, Market Spice Tea Company (i think thats the full name) has some oh so tastey tea. I've only had the ciniminum (sp?) one, it's oily.

does your co-worker have a low tollerance for spicey food? some people think ketchup/catsup is spicey while others eat Habaneros right off the cutting board.

I don't think this calls for a boycott. it's christmas for christ sake! ;)

I suggest Jr, that you take a trip down to the Pike place market and get some tea right from the source. also, seeing as how LAWERS sent the tea to you, I'd be looking at them first....;)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
pnj said:
what kind of tea was it? what flavor I guess is what I'm asking......?

for tea drinking hippies out there, Market Spice Tea Company (i think thats the full name) has some oh so tastey tea. I've only had the ciniminum (sp?) one, it's oily.

does your co-worker have a low tollerance for spicey food? some people think ketchup/catsup is spicey while others eat Habaneros right off the cutting board.

I don't think this calls for a boycott. it's christmas for christ sake! ;)

I suggest Jr, that you take a trip down to the Pike place market and get some tea right from the source. also, seeing as how LAWERS sent the tea to you, I'd be looking at them first....;)
The packages didn't even have a flavor. I'm guessing it's the cinnamon one as well, for the oily factor. I know plenty of people who adore MST - and I like some of their other flavors, like their Chai tea.

However, to validate my coworkers claim, I did go out and handle the tea bag as well...if you like the cinnamon, I recommend not touching your face. I love spicy food and usually cut up a fresh onion or habenero to go with my salad at night...but just handling the tea bag made my hands burn.

The only change I think should be made at all to their teas - are - if the tea requires careful handling then they need to put that on the packaging somewhere. If they know that it can cause burning on your skin when touched, they should add strings so you are less likely to handle the tea bag itself.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
I'm guessing it's the cinnamon one as well, for the oily factor.

...but just handling the tea bag made my hands burn.
Yep sounds like cinammon oil.....

You remember cinnamon flavored toothpicks that would come in a plastic package? Those are soaked in cinammon oil. As a kid we used to go up to the drug store and you could get a vial of the cinnamon oil for doing your own toothpicks. We used to take it on the school bus, pour a little bit in our hand and then slap someone across the back of their neck or their face. They would start rubbing and scratching it and that's what makes it hot as fire! If you just don't mess with it the heat is tolerable.....but the second you start trying to wipe it off it gets worse and you instinctively start scratching and rubbing and it gets worse, etc. etc. We'd have people crying it was so bad :devil:
Bwahahahah.........good ole memories :love:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Damn you Zod! I knew you seemed strangely familiar to me in some way! I've never gotten past the trauma of those mornings on the bus, don't forget the wet-willy's and the ear-thorp's too you bastard!!!!

I'll get you back somehow you big bully! MARK MY WORDS!!!! :dead:



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
Or handle your contact lenses...THAT was a horrific lesson learned...I'm surprised they didn't sear to my eyeballs...

I too have learned that horrible horrible lesson. tastes like burning.

that's crazy that their tea hurts your hands Jr, I've never had that experience from their teas. they must be using some pretty potent cinnamon......