Just kinda mulling a few things over in my little pea brain, and was wondering about rear brake force as it relates to body position over the bike...The example that I thought of was someone riding down a 45 degree angle slope, with said riders' arse stuck way out behind the rear tyre...Does this actually increase the rear braking force (or more subjectively, "an increase in rear braking performance") as compared to someone riding over the saddle?? My first thought was that your bodyweight's force (i.e. gravity) would be applied through the pedals no matter how you configured yourself over the bike; so in essence it really doesn't matter...So your braking force wouldn't actually be increased...But for some reason, I also thought that distance was part of the force calculation and that perhaps by effectively lengthing your body, you could apply more force through the pedals...Or, does having you weight back just help the the rear end stay in contact with the ground and consequently help the rear brake work more 'effectively'? Now I really wished I hadn't slept through dynamics class 12 years ago