


Oct 17, 2002
Getting a custom bike as some of y'all know.

Should I go with braze-on or clamp for front derail? And why for whichever you recommend?


Turbo Monkey
Clamp, so you can shift the der around when going from say a standard to compact. I wanted to go compact w/ the Strong, but the braze-on doesn't allow the front der to come down enough.

Edit: you know what would be cool too, is if when it goes to finish, get that clamp area chromed so the clamp won't mar the paint.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
LordOpie said:
Getting a custom bike as some of y'all know.

Should I go with braze-on or clamp for front derail? And why for whichever you recommend?
Clamp is easier to adjust.


Oct 17, 2002
Braze-on it is!

Thanks everyone! Plus, I think the builder would charge me something for the braze-on, so there's ~$10 saved.

Since we're on the topic of my future custom roadie, I'm planning on going mostly 105, except where Ultegra is just too cost-effective, same or just a little more money.

Is there a component where the value is just too good to stick with 105? Like, I've never seen zero-g brakes, but people keep talking about them like they could stop the world.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
LordOpie said:
Braze-on it is!

Thanks everyone! Plus, I think the builder would charge me something for the braze-on, so there's ~$10 saved.

Since we're on the topic of my future custom roadie, I'm planning on going mostly 105, except where Ultegra is just too cost-effective, same or just a little more money.

Is there a component where the value is just too good to stick with 105? Like, I've never seen zero-g brakes, but people keep talking about them like they could stop the world.
I've got an all 105 bike, and I'm thinking about upgrading to Ultegra levers just because the shape of the Ultegras is so much nicer in my hand. The wider hood is much more comfy. Your mileage may vary, but the extra comfort of the Ultegras is worth every penny to me.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Go with a Dura Ace crank. Now functionally its going to do the samething as an Ultegra or 105 crank. And it would cost more. BUT it looks soooooo much better. And you are going to have this awesome custom and that crank would just look good on that bike. Its the one part of a road bike that stands out beyond the frame.

I'm just saying....


Oct 17, 2002
I'm using Ultegra STI now and like them. Maybe since money is tight, I'll mostly strip my current ride and use those parts.

Not going with DA anythign :blah: besides, if it's the new ones you're talking about, they're too phallic for my liking :eek:


Turbo Monkey
I like DA transmission. Like mtn bikes, everything could be XT, but ders and shifters are XTR.
DON'T get the Zero Gs. They cost too much and look too blocky. I really like the lines fo the old DA 7700. The 7800 also have nice lines. I thought about going Campy Record 'cause they come in black. But campy doesn't use QR on the lower arm and costs more than DA 7800. Zero Gs costs even more than Record, but lighter and black.

Edit: I had a chance to pedal the new 7800 sti around the block a bit. The immediate impression when comparing the 7700 to 7800s was the later did have more of a curve and did come up higher. Comfort level of the 7800 was a bit better for the fit of my hands/wrist, and that was w/ my bum lft wrist (sprained during a DH session at Vail). My $0.02.


I always thought Ultegra STIs rattled too much, but these new 105s I have sound like a machine gun. :mumble: I couldn't pass them up for $100, or whatever they cost me. Everything else is Ultegra on my ride, so I can't say. I did just figure out that 105 hubs only weigh like 20g more than Ultegra.