
*Breaking Newz* CBS replaces Dan Rather over 60 Min flap!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Dan Rather: 'Forged documents were planted by the Right'
The Daily Farce | September 10, 2004 | John Devine and Marcelo Lewin

In an incredible turn of events, independent document experts questioned the authenticity of the memos that raised new questions about President Bush's military service.

Dan Rather, the anchor who first reported the memos on 60-minutes II, now claims that the forged documents were planted by right-wing conspirators in the hopes that he would report on them.

"It's pretty simple." Explained Rather, "They provided the documents to one of my producers with the hopes that I would put them on the show, then they could attack the documents as being forgeries and make me look foolish. Don't you see? Don't you get it? You are all falling into their trap."

Questions about the documents were raised, when a document expert realized that the font used to type up the document was from the Matrix movie.

"There was no Matrix font back then! Heck, there was no Matrix movie period!" stated the document expert who wished to remain anonymous, "Not only that, but the filename of the Word document was at the top of the document as well. They called it 'screwtheprez.doc'. I'm amaze CBS didn't catch those details.

"There is a vast right-wing conspiracy and they know no bounds in their trickery." Stated Dan Rather, "Their intent is to discredit me personally, discredit the CBS News organization, and discredit the liberal, I mean, the media in general."

When asked why he didn't verify the authenticity of the documents, Rather stated, "Well, it's a known fact that George Bush is a weenie and a chicken and couldn't have really served as he claimed. These documents supported allegations by such well respected organizations such as MoveOn.org and The Ruckus Group as well as being fully documented in Fahrenheit 9/11."



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
N8, That is actually quite a funny post. Well done. (What am I saying? ...) The only sad thing is, it once again reflect the complete lack of actual issues being discussed in your 'democratic' elections.