
Breckenridge Ice Sculpture Contest Pics


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Got tired when I was boarding today so I decided to head over to the ice sculpture contest in town. The pics aren't the greatest as they're with my sucky camera phone but I photoshopped them to be somewhat decent. It's amazing what all is done here. They had a few fullsize blocks saying its a 20ton block of Breckenridge snow. Definitely a fun little contest to go to. Nice when its cold though. Last year I went and they were literally breaking apart cuz it was so hot out.

Front side of it

Front side of it

One of my favorites there. The detail was so amazing on it, I'm disappointed that hardly any of the quality transfered to the pic.

Back side of it

Pretty cool one. The hand is filled with snowflakes as well

This one used icicles for a lot of it. Very cool looking.

Pic sucks from this one but I think you get the idea

Sort of a stone henge type thing. There's a few sheets of snow on top of the pillars but the camera missed it.

And last but not least my other favorite one there. It's so massive in real life. It's incredible.


Oct 17, 2002
Thanks man! I went two years ago. While I love the detailed ones, it's the basic intricate ones that always impress me. Like there was one with multiple rings intertwined with each other, but no touching. To hollow them out without accidentally collapsing another is pretty impressive.


Dec 6, 2004
FYI if anyones in O-hi-o.... Medina, Ohio (half hour west of akron) has an ice festival on Feb 18th.... Couple of artists in the town square for a day or two making sculptures then they take them out to pedestals around the town so you can look at them as you walk around the town. Found it by accident one year coming home from school and checked it out once or twice since then...
