what's wrong with michigan...all the arabs living there?Texit
I am OK with this as long as they take OK, KA, LA, MI, AK, AL and FL with them. Then make them pay for a wall.
what's wrong with michigan...all the arabs living there?Texit
I am OK with this as long as they take OK, KA, LA, MI, AK, AL and FL with them. Then make them pay for a wall.
Saw somewhere that the top two Google searches from Britain following the vote were;Apparently, the US isn't the only country no longer teaching civics.
Buyers remorse.
Edit to add a possible "No faith in humanity x-post".
Almost as if voting has consequences.
"'I didn't think the gun was loaded!' say American voters"November should be one Hell of a shit storm here in the states.
That whole hockey thingwhat's wrong with michigan...all the arabs living there?
So Alaska will be indipendent from the U.S. and A. again?
That's IMHO a very dangerous thought process to adopt. I grew up in the "We (the politically talented and educated elites) know what's better for you - it's science" world - and I don't plan to repeat.
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."That's IMHO a very dangerous thought process to adopt. I grew up in the "We (the politically talented and educated elites) know what's better for you - it's science" world - and I don't plan to repeat.
What's worse in your opinion - an oppressive society where (most) people lookup to noble ideals and yearn for a change , or a "free" society where the electorate is lazy, uninspired, easy to corrupt and ripe for losing its freedoms?I first saw your post yesterday, and I've spent a good deal of time pondering it yesterday and today. It's actually something I consider quite a lot, when I think about politics, and how oft I find them frustrating.
I'm not sure one is "worse" than the other. I do believe that the second, inevitably leads to the first, at least the "oppressive" portion. This plays a huge role in my frustration with the current state of affairs. The milieu, both here, and as much as I understand politics abroad, seems to be one where anti-intellectualism abounds. When someone with an education is sneered at as an "elite", when “people in this country have had enough of experts” becomes an argument for something, IMHO we are, at least beginning, to tread down a very dark path. Down that road lies bigotry and oppression, a return to the ideals of fascism and totalitarianism that we had thought defeated, not all that many decades ago.What's worse in your opinion - an oppressive society where (most) people lookup to noble ideals and yearn for a change , or a "free" society where the electorate is lazy, uninspired, easy to corrupt and ripe for losing its freedoms?
I'm not sure one is "worse" than the other. I do believe that the second, inevitably leads to the first, at least the "oppressive" portion. This plays a huge role in my frustration with the current state of affairs. The milieu, both here, and as much as I understand politics abroad, seems to be one where anti-intellectualism abounds. When someone with an education is sneered at as an "elite", when “people in this country have had enough of experts” becomes an argument for something, IMHO we are, at least beginning, to tread down a very dark path. Down that road lies bigotry and oppression, a return to the ideals of fascism and totalitarianism that we had thought defeated, not all that many decades ago.
Ironic that this was posted on 4 July.I think this article captures my thinking nicely: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/opinion/freedom-fireworks-and-brexit.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-left-region®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region&_r=0
"democracy", imo, is tough to define. Is it simply majority rule? Is it that simple? how do you protect the rights of minorities? In the article, they say that referendums are politically expedient, and I agree. There has to be some form of checks and balances, otherwise you end up with tyranny. That's why I'm a firm supporter of Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even though it's an imperfect system, and that's why I think this notion of a stay-or-leave referendum was more a question of political expediency than democracy in action. And a generation (or more) or people is going to pay for the tyranny of the uninformed and/or misinformed...
Going to a University does not prevent one from being a dumb shit.I realise that I am late to this party, but I feel I should point out that it was not just the dumb ****s that voted leave; at least 3 people I work with who are university educated, well-paid professionals voted leave and have told me that they did so partially as a protest vote, not expecting the leave vote to actually make more than 50%.
Having typed that I realise that what I actually need is to revise my definition of the word dumb,
Turns out your vote can matter?as a protest vote, not expecting the leave vote to actually make more than 50%.
It appears to have been a surprise to more people than I would have expected.Turns out your vote can matter?
I personally think that people who aren't going to vote the same was as me (the smart way) should really just stay home for elections.<snip> There are those out there who are simply too fucking dumb to govern themselves, and they should be given a box of crayons and sent off to the corner to amuse themselves.
Oh what the fuck man ?Ironic that this was posted on 4 July.
Democracy is a red herring. There are those out there who are simply too fucking dumb to govern themselves, and they should be given a box of crayons and sent off to the corner to amuse themselves.