
BRLT What Are You Good/Bad At?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Biking Related Lounge Thread

As far as biking is concerned what are your strong points and what are your weak points???

Personally I have good endurance but no power. I like to think I can corner really well but if my wheels leave the ground my face is usually the first thing to greet mother earth.


Jun 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
Good-I love the skinnies (as long as they are not too high). Good at wheelie drops and other slow speed tricks (makes me want my Evil back!). Okay on jumps and drops.

Bad-Endurance...I have none. I think I do more pushing than climbing.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I have good endurance. I can climb like a mohamby. I have improved my technical skills a lot over the last couple of years. I am learning to jump and do small drops, nothing major just small stuff I encounter on the trails. I can ride skinny stuff as long as it is not to high of the ground. I have been practicing wheelie drops and hope to proficient at that someday.

I can generally ride in the front of the pack if I want to. I would like to be better at log crossings, bunnyhopping, the steeps, and descending (everyone seems faster then me there??). I have learned so much about nutrition and diet over the last year and that has made a big improvement in my over all riding. That and not making excuses for not riding.

Good post.....jdcamb


May 6, 2003

Seriously, I crash an avg of about once every other ride. Most times I can throw the bike down and roll out of it without spending any time on the ground. I do wish I had the balance/strength/coordination/brains to stay upright on the bike, but I think rolling out of the impact and getting up quick is the next best thing.

My last crash did shake me up a little. My shoulder hit the ground kinda hard, and all I could think of was "is my collarbone ok?" I wish I knew how the crash happened. Guess I'll have to go hit that spot again and find out ;)


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Good: :D Technical skills. Good flow through tight or "swoopy" tech sections, railing corners, decending (as long as not full-on DH).

Bad: :think: Climbing and endurance.

Working on: :help: Drops and jumps, ladders and skinnys. I also hope to purchase a DH ride over the winter and get into that next spring.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Fathead said:

Seriously, I crash an avg of about once every other ride. Most times I can throw the bike down and roll out of it without spending any time on the ground. I do wish I had the balance/strength/coordination/brains to stay upright on the bike, but I think rolling out of the impact and getting up quick is the next best thing.
It's funny, I'm really good at crashing too. The old "tuck and roll", and I'm standing up again in a half second, brushing the dirt off my pants. Occasionally I even hold onto my bike so it doesn't go far or receive any damage.

Even on comparitively "hard" crashes, I don't usually get much injury (knock on wood of course) - agile like a cat! ;) :p

I really need to work on my commitment... If I hit something with okay speed and don't think about it, I'm usually fine - skinnies, drops, whatever. My problem is that I overthink it, and hit whatever it is too slow to carry myself through.


I suck at everything on a bike. I am a good mechanic. I once thought I was good at posting on RM, but that has suffered for a few weeks.

Good - climbing

Bad - descending


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
bad: Drops and jumps, ladders and skinnys

good: analyzing and practing a DH course to get my skinny arse up on the podium

ok: everything else


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Well on average I have a good crash once every 2 rides I guess. My last was pretty back, hitting my head and bruising my hand. I couldn't grip very well for about a week.

I need to work on endurance. I ride with guys that push it, and I end up dropping after the first couple of miles.
I need to work on balance.
I need to work on approach.
Climbing takes the wind out of my sails. I think my approach speed effects this.
Rocky terrain tend to make me nervous sinc emy last crash.

I do pretty well at dropping in, and jumping off things.
I think my speed is pretty good.
I have no problems in cornering. I usually gain ground in tight corners with trees and such.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Good- Drops, skinny, super steep tech stuff, railing turns. I'm good at going fast and am first in line 90% of the time(I like to chill and ride with my friends the other 10%).

Bad- endurance, focus(I've been crashing more the last two times at the mountain than i have all season).

I can DJ pretty good(on my hardtail) but i need to jump more on my DH bike, i'm just not very confident jumping the big bike.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma

Good strong points are technical singletrack cornering (i.e. cornering over gnar), and technical climbing. I'm kind of an all around rider really, pretty good at decending, climbing, cornering, hammering... My weak points include riding skinnies (I have some kind of mental block) and dirt jumping.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Good: climbing endurance
Decent: strength, technical xc
Fair: balance
Poor: jumping, manuals or anything freeride related. When my wheels leave the ground, I'm just not sure what to do with myself


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Good: Uber(Oh yes)Endurance, climbing, sprinting, hurdling bars to avoid endos, controlling drift in corners

Bad: Jumping, techincal ish, descending tech stuff with a sheer dropoff to one side...I freak out on my very very XC bike.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
xbluethunderx said:
Good: Uber(Oh yes)Endurance, climbing, sprinting, hurdling bars to avoid endos, controlling drift in corners

Bad: Jumping, techincal ish, descending tech stuff with a sheer dropoff to one side...I freak out on my very very XC bike.
I used to have problems on steep stuff on my very XC bike. Short wheelbase, steep HA and long stem. I got a longer fork to slack out the geometry, moved my seat back and got a shorter stem now I can tear up the steep stuff and seems to have actually helped my climbing too. I now consider my XC race bike to be quite a good trailbike, which makes sense since some of the XC races around here have some pretty gnarly downhills.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i've run into too many super awesome riders to think i excel in any aspect of mt. biking, but i try to be as well balanced as i possibly can.
but if i had to critique myself i'd definately say my log-dancing skills are lacking.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
i'm good at laughing at roadies. Haahahahahahah. HA!:D

and, I'm pretty good at falling down, falling off my bike, running into things, running over things and laying down giant skids.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Good: Crashing...drops up to 8-10' don't bother me so much...good endurance compared to a lot of my DHer friends

Bad: Jumps, like dirtjump-BMX-style jumps and anything bigger than a tiny double...Power, especially compared to my DHer friends

Wishy-washy: Cornering. Last year I was learning to RAIL corners and drift confidently in the loose stuff. I seem to have lost it this year...just not riding enough. I'm getting lazy and not staying hard enough on the front, committing fully, and heeling the bike over underneath me instead of just leaning my body.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Good: Crashing...I tend to have some good ones and usually do so about once per ride (if I don't crash, then I probably didn't try any new lines and didn't push myself).
I also do possess some technical skills (i.e. getting over logs, through rock gardens, etc.)

Work in Progress: Endurance...I am getting better with every ride. It takes me a while to get warmed up and I feel fatigued early in the ride, but once I get warmed up I can ride for a long time.

Bad: Speed...I don't carry it well and need to figure out how.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Good: Climbing (The technical aspect, not the endurance part) technical tight twisty singletrack, going very fast in a straight line.

Bad: endurance, jumping, drops or anything air related.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
For as few hours as I have in the saddle (relatively speaking), I'm a pretty good bike handler. I'm also very good at crashing... as some of you have seen - I defintely get my money's worth out of my helmet.

My weakness is consistancy. Sometimes I ride 3-4 times a week, sometimes I don't ride at all for a month. Sometimes I eat all day so I'll have good energy for a ride later on, sometimes I don't eat at all that day. Makes it hard to know how I'm goign to do on a ride in terms of strenght and endurance... I've been known to wear out 45minutes in, other times I'm good to go for 3 hours.