
Brother can you spare a (couple) grand?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Apparently there are some 6-figure whiners talking about how if things get any harder they'll have to start making some real changes, like whether to keep spending $17k/year on the dog or whether to put off buying another $30k "used" car...


Andrew Schiff was sitting in a traffic jam in California this month after giving a speech at an investment conference about gold. He turned off the satellite radio, got out of the car and screamed a profanity.

“I’m not Zen at all, and when I’m freaking out about the situation, where I’m stuck like a rat in a trap on a highway with no way to get out, it’s very hard,” Schiff, director of marketing for broker-dealer Euro Pacific Capital Inc., said in an interview.

Schiff, 46, is facing another kind of jam this year: Paid a lower bonus, he said the $350,000 he earns, enough to put him in the country’s top 1 percent by income, doesn’t cover his family’s private-school tuition, a Kent, Connecticut, summer rental and the upgrade they would like from their 1,200-square- foot Brooklyn duplex.
His kid's 10, and goes to a $32k/year private school. I'm starting to believe that we need at least the *threat* of a good French/Russian Revolution to make these people understand that having to pay a measly extra 4% of their taxable income over $250k isn't exactly the same thing as having your head chopped off by an angry mob...

edit: The comments on the Gawker article are priceless.

We will never understand rich people's pain *eats standard saw dust and glue lunch*
You got the glue? Lucky bastard.

Wait, salmon for $5.99/lb? Is it line caught, wild salmon? If so, that's a great deal, son.
But feeling compelled to go find a great deal is just so degrading.
I'm just feeling bad for the cook. If it was me, I'd by the $5.99 salmon and tell him I bought it at Citarella.
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
...just a little bit. But only about the dogs and dog walker. Workers arise, you have nothing to lose but your chains and all that stuff.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
One of these days I will care...but, I would be the exact same way if I was rolling this deep, and you would too.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
What, and put the dog walker out of business? This is why they need tax cuts, they're JOB CREATORS!!
That's what I love about this Jurb creator myth. The jobs have to have a positive influence on the country. Not only the only unfluence a dog walker has is that someone is not unemployed (no exports, no new technology, no nothing) if she gets fired the market is super small and probably won't want to work for less therefore becoming unemployed.

That's why Germany with it's evil socialist taxes still is pretty well off because of focusing on technoligical job and being a net exporter. That plus not being anal about going to the stockmarket which focuses on short time gains.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
“People who don’t have money don’t understand the stress,” said Alan Dlugash, a partner at accounting firm Marks Paneth & Shron LLP in New York