
Build up an appitite ride !


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Today I decided to start working on building up an appitite for tommorow gourging.

so I met up with Berkshire Rider at Douglas State forest at about 2 today , it was nippy , but riding keep us warm for the most part. I must mention my own stupidity , I bruised up my ribs on sunday and Douglas SF is about the most abbusive place I have ever ridden lots and lots of Baby heads! And I knew this going yet still road!

we started by north on the Midstate Trail ( to New Hampshire)

Here is Berkshire rider crossing a Bridge built by MT bikers ( NEMBA ) a few years back

Here I am On the same Bridge

as we went along the trail we had planned to do was well , under water . well armoured , but still under water . If it was 80 degrees out , I'b be all for trying it . it was 30 degrees , no thank you .

so we took a trail that we had no idea where it went . and it was an awesome trail with lots of rocks , twists turns tight trees , etc so tight here is one where trying to fit betwwen the leaning tree ( ok Dead) and tho the it took my wire that connects my light to my battery.

That trail just kept going and going , we finally had to turn around and go back almost the same way we went in. we must go back during the Day with Full camel backs and see where that trail goes !!!

but any way it was dark by the time we got out , and here is Berkshire Rider on another bridge , too bad you can't see that the water beneth him is really flowing and about 3 feet deep.